Today I was ringing up this lady who about a couple of months ago gave me an EXTREMELY(I mean harrassing, rude, beligerent (sp?)) hard time about a return she tried to do in my store for alot of cash, which I did not enough to give her in my registers. At the time of her return I was completely polite to her and offered her solutions to try to help her out.
Anyway, today I was ringing her up she kept rolling her eyes at me and had a rude expression. I thanked her and gave her bag and told her to have great day with a smile. She took her bag and looked at me and told me that my stomach was TOO FAT to wearing the top I was wearing. Mind you, I was completely nice to her and my top I think looked fine and I had a jacket over it, I know I'm not the skinniest girl, neither was she, but to go out of your way to make a rude comment to like that, really pissed me off and it hurt, since I didn't do anything to her.
Sorry I just had to rant, It was bothering me all day.
That is awful! I'm so sorry-- I would have been in tears if someone had said something as cruel as that. If it is any consolation, I'm sure the woman has some sort of emotional problems that make her irritable/cranky. So although it's hard, I would try not to take it personally. Maybe she has her own trials and tribulations that have resulted in a huge chip on her shoulder or maybe she has a personality disorder of some kind that makes her mean and brash without realizing it. Either way, try not to be too sad. Working with customers can be really tough and it sounds like you handle yourself really well. Give yourself a pat on the back for being so graceful when it would have been easier to be mean back. And for what it's worth, I'm sure you looked great :)
"He does dress better than I do...what would I bring to the relationship?" ~ Clueless
You started your post wrong, miss t!! You called this individual a "lady". Clearly she is not. Please don't let these awful people ruin your day. It is hard. Sometimes one brush with rudeness can color my whole week. You did the right thing by taking the high road. This woman is bitter or mean or constipated or stupid or all of the above.
She is remembering the situation where you stopped her (in her mind) from getting her way. Everyone is sweet and kind when they are getting their way. The true measure of a person is how they act when they are not.
WTF? I wouldn't give a damn if your stomach was hanging down to your knees!What is it to her. Usually those kind of people are miserable in their personal lives! How uncooth was that?
OMG! That is one miserable woman. I'm sure her intent was is to put somebody down the way she feels about herself. She was probably hoping to make herself feel better, but I'm sure it only put herself further in her dark hole.
What a b*tch! She is just a sorry, no good person who probably thinks everyone is out to get her! I used to work retail and I had to quit because I had such (internal) hatred for my customers, that I felt like I was going to have an aneurysm. I was all smiles on the outside, though.
To this day, when people are rude to me, I just think "Wow, what a miserable person. They must have a terrible life." And this makes me feel better.
you know what? if she comes in there, just kill her with kindness again. then, if she says something nasty to you again, just cheerfully say "thank you!" don't let her think she got to you.
I'm really sorry you had to put up with that. what a bitch.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
Some people just get off in hurting others. One time I was singing and kinda dancing in my car while waiting at a light. I looked to my left and a woman sitting in the passenger seat (maybe early 40's) gave me a disdainful look and then made an L at her forehead at me (for loser). I was completely shocked. There was a child in a car seat in the back and what I am assuming was her husband driving the car. Why on earth would she do something so mean and hateful to me when I wasn't bothering anyone, just trying to have a good time in bad traffic?
Anyway, I never forgot that and it still bothers me whever I think of it because it just symbolizes the hate some people harbor. There's so many meanies out there and sometimes they just cannot be avoided. We just have to harden ourselves a little and try not to let them get to us.
Oh My God! What a f'ing c**t! You want me to punch her for you? That was totally unbelievable. Bitch!
LOL! that might have been my initial thought had I been you, handing that bag over to her. But I would have (as the other girls suggested) smiled and said "thank you so much!" and left her to wonder about the effectiveness of her bitchy comments. She's obviously a very sad woman.
Oh My God! What a f'ing c**t! You want me to punch her for you? That was totally unbelievable. Bitch!
You totally can!
I told what happened to me to one of my other managers who wasn't there yesterday and she had to same reaction to kick her ass. SHe told me the next time that woman comes into our store and says that crap again, she will clock out and beat her ass.
Thanks a bunch for you support. I voicemailed my DM to see if that woman could be banned from my store, since this is the second time she insulted me.
She was probably waiting for you to say something rude so she could go off on you and when you didn't I bet it pissed her off even more. hehehe good for you for being nice. She probably just popped off....what a lame thing for her to say. I'm sorry it ruined your day but that's great you never acted like you even remembered her being rude.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
Don't let that nasty person have ANY power over how you feel! If you run into her again, just continue to be professional and ladylike. stand up for yourself if you have to politely, but don't spread the negativity by letting it get to you. I would even say, this woman went so far that it's not even worth it to do the whole, "have a nice day" stuff, which actually can make you feel like your energy is being sucked by her. That's horrible, I am so sorry you were spoken to that way.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld