Kate Winslett looks so great in that pic. It's odd if you compare the pic of her and the pic of Nicole Ritchie--one looks like a very beautiful woman and the other just looks scary and freakish.
Tigerlily wrote: What I love about Kate Winslet is that she doesn't cave in to the Hollywood pressure to be skeletal skinny. She looks great and I love her clothes.-- Edited by Tigerlily at 14:31, 2006-04-27
If ya'll had to guess what size do you think she is? Just curious
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Tigerlily wrote: What I love about Kate Winslet is that she doesn't cave in to the Hollywood pressure to be skeletal skinny. She looks great and I love her clothes.-- Edited by Tigerlily at 14:31, 2006-04-27 If ya'll had to guess what size do you think she is? Just curious
I tried to google it and kept getting "looks bigger than she is" and claims that she wears around a 4.
Mandy Moore looks adorable, as always, Nicole looks freakish, Kate looks absolutely va-va-voom.
I've never heard of the model Leo's dating, but she's very pretty.
And, sorry, but I'm not digging the leggings look on Drew.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain
Kate Winslet is probably a size 6 or so. But honestly, she probably does look larger than she is because we hold her to typical actress/hollywood sizes.
laken1 wrote: If ya'll had to guess what size do you think she is? Just curious I'm not expert on sizes, but maybe Kate Winslet is an 8? Let me know if that sounds way off-base.-- Edited by zeitgeist4 at 21:10, 2006-04-27
I'm thinking 8 or 10. How tall is she? She doesn't look overweight or anything. Maybe it's just one of those "the camera adds wieght" things...Either way there is no way she is a 4. I'd say 6 at the very smallest..
-- Edited by luckyclover at 23:21, 2006-04-27
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."