We are thinking of having a garage sale in a few weeks time to get rid of some of our old stuff. Any tips on hosting a garage sale? What hours should we have it on for? TIA.
it's been years since I've had one, but I would hold them from 8-5. I would have everything ready to go the night before (tables and all items priced with masking tape.) I also would have a starting till of $40 - mostly ones, and change... a chair to sit in for the day... I also had 2 signs I would put up (I used to live between 2 major streets, so I would put a sign at the corner of my street and the major streets - it just said "yard sale" with an arrow.) hmmm.... that's about all I can think of...
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I'd probably do a Fri-Sat-Sun thing, starting at maybe 10 am on Friday and 8-9 am on Sat/Sun, and ending around 4 pm or so.
Price things low if you don't want to have to deal with the stuff anymore, and be open to being bargained with. You could also have a cooler of pop for sale if it's supposed to be warm.
Oh, and make sure to go around and take down your signs when it's over!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
*Some cities require you to get a license (with s small fee), so you may want to check on that.
*Put an ad in the paper, you will get more people who wouldn't normally pass by your street.
*Make a few signs with neon colored posterboard and large bold permanent marker pen. So silly when people use cardboard boxes and ballpoint pen! You can't see it when you drive by! I would put the sign on the corner of each ends of the main busier street, on the corner of my street, and of course at the house. I have the signs put up when I'm almost done setting up. Take the signs down before you end your sale!
*Display: If you have tables that is nice. I used to make tables by getting two stools and setting a closet door from downstairs on it and draped a sheet over that. Worked nicely. I also made up a rack for clothes with a shower curtain rod.
*Price everything. I used those bright colored sticky dots. Bump up the price a little because nearly everyone talks it down even though it's a fair price to begin with.
*I had my sale up and running by 8am and was usually done by 12pm since most people were done by lunch and it's not worth the time to stay out longer in my area.
i've just had a couple and i thought i'd let you know that people start coming around 7-7:30 in the morning! especially if you advertise. one time we had people waiting while we were setting up at 7am! good luck and have fun!
and be careful with stealers, some women stoled a few of my MIL jewlery. and some people can be rude.
i swear i dont live in the ghetto! im making it sound like i do huh?! :)
My mom and I have one every year. We always put a small ad in the local newspaper. In my area, it will guarantee you HUNDREDS of customers.
Also, I would do it on a Saturday morning and prepare to wake up EARLY. We usually say it is scheduled for 8-1 but people are lined up outside by 7am every time.
Make sure everything has a price.. and make sure those prices are cheap so you can get rid of LOTS of stuff.
I would say you need to start at 7am because older people get up that early and go garage selling (my grandparents being some of them). My parents are having one this weekend and said they were the most busy early in the morning (7am-10am). They are holding theirs on Fri and Sat. They finished today at about 5 and will finish about noon or so tomorrow.
Good luck!
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
When we've done them, we've always done them on Fri-Sat. usually from 7-6. There are a lot of people who go "garage sale-ing" early before it gets too warm. At the end if we have a lot of stuff still to get rid of, we give people a sack for $1 and tell them they can take anything they can fit in their sack. Then if there is anything left we just take it to good will and donate it.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
luckyclover wrote: When we've done them, we've always done them on Fri-Sat. usually from 7-6. There are a lot of people who go "garage sale-ing" early before it gets too warm. At the end if we have a lot of stuff still to get rid of, we give people a sack for $1 and tell them they can take anything they can fit in their sack. Then if there is anything left we just take it to good will and donate it.
We are garage sale goers & these are our favorites! I love it when this happens & really if you just want to get rid of it, why wouldn't you?
All the advice given so far is so great - just be sure to check your city ordinances about signage & permits. They are really strict about it here ($500 fine) so that is always my first concern, but from what I hear most places aren't insane & diligent about enforcing like they are here.
I totally be about being willing to negotiate, even if you price higher at first to offset.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad