Here is my problem. I recieved a notice for jury duty last week. I didn't open it immediately because I figured it couldn't be coming up too soon. Well, I opened it this morning and I'm scheduled to call in for 5/1.
Normally that wouldn't be a big deal, but my boy's 6 month well-baby check up is the same day. I tried to reschedule w/ his pediatrician this morning and couldn't. She is off next week and is BOOKED solid because of her vacation. AND- he needs his shots so his appointment has to be within a certain time frame.
I can send in a notice to try and reschedule JD for a later date, but what if it doesn't get there in time? I wouldn't be able to mail it out until tomorrow, then it would have to wind it's way through the red tape and make it to someone's desk in 1 business week. I doubt that would happen.
Or- I can 'forget' to call in for the Monday, then call Monday night and see what happens. ACK! I hate JD Why is it always at the most inopportune time! The last time I was called was finals week a few years ago.
Curve: The loveliest distance between two points. ~Mae West
I've skipped it by accident and nothing happened to me. I found the summons after my jury date, so I didn't send in a letter or anything. I think if you send a letter and have proof that you sent it, you should be fine.
I don't know how it works in your state, but here in Oklahoma...they usually excuse mothers who are caring for very small children. I would call in today and talk to someone about that.
Here in California, they send you a notice saying you missed it and that you have to call soon to reschedule it. Otherwise, there's a fine and I think some jail time.
I've skipped it before and nothing ever happened. But if you're worried, just call in (or do they have a system online?) and tell them your son has a dr's appointment that can't be rescheduled. They should accomodate you.
Thanks girls. I do live in Ca. so I'm thinking of 'forgetting' If you don't see me for a while just know that I was hauled off to the hoosgow for skipping JD
Curve: The loveliest distance between two points. ~Mae West
I think you should call and explain and they should allow you to reschedule. Some states issue a bench warrant for 'no shows' so I would not take that chance. You certainly have a valid reason.
Too bad they don't call 'volunteers' first (retired people or people who have time and are truly interested and those that don't mind the disruption in their lives).
I don't know how it works in your state, but here in Oklahoma...they usually excuse mothers who are caring for very small children. I would call in today and talk to someone about that.
Yup my sister has gotten out of it a couple of times due to this. I wouldn't skip unless you know for sure there is not a huge fine/ jail time. Just tell them what's going on and they will probably just excuse you anyway.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
In my county there is a two week before and after buffer, so you can go in any day before or after without contacting anyone. Not sure if thats true for your county. I am in CA though