I loved the scene between Margene and Benny... I thought his advice to her was so mature and thoughtful, about how she should take a class or find some neutral place to make friends and feel less lonely. For me, that conversation (and the discussion between Bill and Benny by the pool) resolved any question about sexual tension that might have been budding between those two. Benny is very focused and disciplined, and wants to be "good," just like his dad.
And I, once again, was wrong about Nicki being pregnant. She is so evil! I love that she's going to get found out next episode when Barb discovers the credit card bills.
Also--isn't Bill's dad such a jerk? He is a very humorous character that helps break up the seriousness.
hahaha. i posted something this morning. i guess it didn't show up.
so (i swear i miss the obvious), nikki is saying she wants to get pregnant, taking bcp in the meantime, just so she can have sex with Bill as much as she wants? EVIL. (if i got that right).
i liked the scene with barb and nikki drinking their strawberry shakes. the scene with margene and benny was good (i still think something might happen, eventhough Benny wants to be good and just like his father). i think that there will be something still to come with that lady who works with Bill (like she will report them as polygomists). i was also wondering if Bill's mom is really going to poison Bill's dad after that comment she made on the phone.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
so (i swear i miss the obvious), nikki is saying she wants to get pregnant, taking bcp in the meantime, just so she can have sex with Bill as much as she wants? EVIL. (if i got that right).
Yeah, I think that's what's going on... that's why she didn't want to go along w/ Barb and make a new schedule to have Bill on those days when she's ovulating. She just wants to have Bill "on call" to mess w/ Barb.
i totaly agree that nikki is pure evil, but i reallyfelt badly for her when she was saying how she barb is the only one that has any public life with bill. it kind of made me see why she is allways trying to overcompensate with money, and buying things all of the time. i had to tivo the episode and erased it before i remembered to watch the clips from next week, so i didn't know she is going to get busted for the credit card bills. that is too good. i wonder how long she will go on with the birth control pills before she decides to actually get pregnant.
i feel so badly for margine all the time. for some reason, i feel like she says that she likes their family and she likes sharing bill, but she didn't really realize what she was getting into when she married them. she is so young and i feel so bad for her.
ps, i am so glad that our board is up and running again. i tried to start a thread about this yesterday and it wouldn't come up.
I cannot believe Nikki is still on the pill! She is so horrible! I like how we got to see more of Ben this episode--what kind of man he wants to grow up to be. I still think something may happen between Margie and Ben, too. They are so close in age and Margie is starving for attention.