Hi Ladies! I got a reminder email (thanks!) that it is getting closer to the summer & we had talked about getting together in the Dallas area some time in June. I called around to a few hotels today & for everyone to stay together - I was basing it on 8-12 people, we'd have to do a suite & 2 adjoining rooms which would be about $600 - seems like a lot to me! I don't see how we could stay in one regular room without it being a hassle - dressing in the morning, one bathroom, etc. I was hoping we could create a "slumber party" kind of atmosphere but with the cost issue (i'd rather spend my $$ on shopping!) & the how to of it, I just don't know what to do. I ran some numbers through expedia where if we got 3 rooms with double beds (4 people in each) we could find something tolerable for around $60 & something pretty nice for $100 or so. So the per person is much better that way.
I'd like to hear any ideas you may have. Also please let me know if there are any weekends that will not work for you at all, if one weekend is best, etc. I can't do it the weekend of the June 17th but other than that I'm open. I'm open for most of July too, I just mention June because that's what we talked about.
If you are interested in coming please let me know so I can get a head count...
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
l Iam up for it The weekend I could do would have to be 3rd or the 10th of June. I like the idea of the of the slumber party but yes that is quite expense.The second idea does not sound terrible as long as we have enough bathroom space. Ladies what do you think? I know the TLL 71 and I dicussed it and we thought we could share a room between us and split the cost if we had too. Iam open for ideas.
Yeah, kaykay and I have been chatting about it, and I'm still down for going, thus far. I may take a week vacation either next month, or in June, but it'd probably be the first weekend in June, so I'll keep you posted. I think getting 3 rooms w/double beds is a good, affordable idea, but whatever works for everyone else. I have been saving my pennies!!!
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
Hmmm, the 3 rooms with double beds sounds the most practical. Obviously, it depends on the head count though, so hopefully, more people will respond to this thread soon. As far as availability goes -- I'm available to get together the 1st and 3rd weekend in June and the first two weekends in July.
Thanks again for doing this! Let me know how I can help.
"I paid off a poker debt with sexual favors, and I fell in love. It's so romantic. It's romance." - Pamela Anderson