Hey - I know that you are a full time jeweler like myself so I thought I'd direct this at you. I got asked to design bridesmaid jewelry for six (all different). I did it before but for only two bridesmaids and it ended up being a lot of work. I feel reluctant to do it again. I feel like I have to buy all the stuff up front, etc. Anyways, have you done this before and what is your approach to it: i.e. what do you charge (do you do a designer fee?), do you have them pay some upfront.
I am actually in the midst of a bridal order right now, so your timing is good. *s*
What I do for custom work of this type is collect 50% of the total fee up front. My current client already paid me in March when we met, and will pay me the balance in May when I deliver the finished items.
In my particular case, the bride selected one of my current production items, just with different colored stones, which I already had in stock, so I didn't have to go out and buy additional materials.
Also that deposit should at least cover your costs - if not your time involved - if the bride somehow flakes out and doesn't pay you for the rest eventually. I've never had that happen - most of my custom work is done by referral (this happened to be a referral from a gallery that carries my jewelry) but I have heard stories from other designers...so try to at least not lay out the money for supplies without being paid for that part up front.
I don't typically charge a designer fee - most of my custom work is similar to what I'm doing currently (customers see a design they like and just want different color combos). When I occasionally work with someone to design from scratch, unless the costs are exorbitant, I just charge my standard prices.
As far as feeling like it's a lot of work...some people are more cut out for production work than others. I actually like production, but I know it's not for everyone. You can always charge a "PITA" fee on top of your regular fees, if necessary, to make this kind of work worth your while, if that helps. *s*
Let me know if you have other ?'s. I always enjoy chatting with fellow designers!
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
Atlgirl - thanks for the advice. It's a big help to know how other people approach this. I wish the bride just picked something from my collection and I had to make six of the same pieces. I also love to do production pieces. She wants six different pieces though. I love designing too, it's just a matter if each six pieces will be liked by each individual in the end. It's a challenge and a learning lesson.
Thanks for the tips and help. I may have more questions for you in the future.