Can anyone tell me how to use APA style or direct me to a site that makes sense? I keep searching and I'm not finding a concrete example or simple instructions. I'm an English major so I use MLA, but my minor is comm so now I have to use APA as well. Anyhow, I just need to know how to do the title page and basic set up of the body of the paper (margins, header, page number, etc). Thanks ladies. 2:11 am Saturday night and writing a paper....
For page numbers, I always used the heading function in Word, and typed my name and the page number in the upper right hand corner so you'd always see "Lastname 1, Lastname 2..." and so forth.
I, too, am used to MLA and now that I'm in grad school for Clinical Psych, everything is APA and it's really hard to get used to when you're used to something else. Anyhow, a friend of mine emailed me a document that really helped me. If you'd like me to email that over to you, I'm more than happy. Just PM me your email.
And I just wanted to add that for the page numbers, I was told that it should be the first two or three words of your title from your title page and then the page #, flush right. It could just be that it depends on the type of paper you're writing, but using your last name and the page number is something I did in MLA style.
I just saw this -- I'm in a Masters program for Library Science, and some of the teachers require APA style. Jen, I know it's too late for your paper, but for future ones, check out this website:
It puts bibliographic information in APA format for you (the options are on the left side of the page). For example, if you're citing an article from an encyclopedia, you pick that option, input the information, and then it creates the bibliographic entry for you. Cut and paste, and voila -- you have a bibliography for your paper.