I managed to grip the handle of a hot pan this morning - burning myself. I let cool water run on my hand for about five minutes then I started soaking my hand in a bowl of cool water b/c I didn't want to stand at the sink any longer....anyway, its been 2.5 hours and it still hurts when its not in cool water. I just took some ibiprofin so I'm hoping that will help.
When will the pain go away?! I have so much to do today and I can't do it when I'm soaking my hand in a bowl of water
I don't know if there's much you can do for the pain. I would put some bacitracin or aloe on it and cover it with a bandage. Just try to keep it as clean as possible. Keep up with the ibuprofin, and that's probably the best you can do. Sorry to hear about the burn...sounds like an inconvenience you don't need today.
you did the right thing with all that cold water - as you know, that will stop the burn from continuing to burn. I would also try solarcaine or aloe to help soothe pain locally.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I burned my hand on a burner a few weeks ago and even though I ran it under cold water, it continued to feel like it was still burning for a few hours after that. Once you get it under cool water, it'll stop it from burning further, so all you're feeling is the residual pain and you won't need to keep it under cold water.
Sorry you burned yourself! Ouch!
Oh, and if you get blisters, don't pop them--you'll just increase your risk of infection.