so i got onto the internet just now to check my yahoo and the username on the yahoo page was not mine, and not my husbands - wtf? no one else has access to our apartment. do you think my computer's been hacked? i was able to sign on as myself but i am freaked out! help, anyone?
I don't know that much about computers, but I'd run all your antivirus and spyware immediately. I guess it could just be a glitch in yahoo's system.
In college, my friend had a really scary experience...messages kept popping up on her computer (like in the kind of windows that your computer uses to tell you about errors, etc), but they were messages from some guy, saying stuff like, "hi," "what are you doing?" etc. Turns out that somebody had hacked into her computer. So stranger things have happened!
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
i don't know if you have wireless internet on your computer or not, or if it's locked but...
i know that when im out and about and need to hop on the internet for something really fast and i end up "borrowing" somebody else's unlocked wireless internet ive got some oddball names in the signin boxes on stuff. never on yahoo, partly because i don't use it very often, but i have had the issue with academic journals that i need to access. i might check your internet access if you do use wireless. hope that helps!
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
thanks for your responses, guys. I have anti-virus software and I *think* it's up-to-date. i ran some checks and updates and everything seems to be running fine. i don't have wireless but maybe someone else in our building does and used our connection? does that sound plausible? i'm sorta freaked out still, would it do any good to buy Norton Internet protection at this point? whatever i have now was free.