Seriously, luv2shop, shave your legs! Mine were like that yesterday (no joke either) & after I did I felt so much better!
My boss asked me to work tomorrow & I agreed because I need the money but mostly because I don't want to have to get groceries & run errand in the Good Friday traffic......
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
1. I kinda wish FH would go on a trip again because he just seems to leave a trail of stuff everywhere he goes around our house. I miss my nice clean apartment!
2. It's 90 degrees at my house right now and I do not like it! It's April for crying out loud!
3. I didn't post a pic of my outfit in threadstyle today because I'm wearing a skirt and in the pic I had 'big girl knees' .
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
1) I am flirting like crazy with a guy who's liked me for a long time because my ego hurts after the way my last relationship ended and I'm lonely. But I'll never take him seriously...
2) I'm with luv2shop on the leg hair - I haven't shaved since the above-mentioned relationship bustup more than a week ago.
3) I've checked my facebook profile six times today.
1. I told DH I'm going to a business dinner on Friday nite, but it's really lunch and at night, a couple girls from work are meeting up for some drinks.
2. I havent given my 21 month old a bath in 3 days cuz I'm too tired when I get home from work. I feel really bad, I may just go home early to give her one.
3. My DH gave me $ to put in our savings and I'm supposed to match it, but instead I went shopping.
4. I haven't gone to the gym all week and I just had a huge steak during our lunch meeting.
5. I'm supposed to be archiving old files for my client, instead I've been lurking on ST all day and told her I've been super busy.
6. I have 15 items on my watch list on ebay and no $ in my bank account.
1. I had a peanut butter and chocolate blizzard today.
2. One of my friends got a great job that she really wanted and I haven't called to congratulate her yet.
3. I needed to wash my face and reapply makeup after my short workout today (as Elle pointed out, it's super hot here today), but instead I just dabbed with an oil blot paper and layered on some more foundation. Does that make me a hag?
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
1. Finals are quickly approaching and there are two classes that I have not read one word of my textbook or paid attention in class because I am too burned out! So, I will be teaching myself an entire semester in about 3 days!
2. Easter weekend involves seeing the in-laws (which isn't always a bad thing), but they are all arguing these days so I am thinking about faking sick on saturday, then feeling much better by sunday when it is my family's turn!
3. I was supposed to start my healthful diet and exercise program on Monday. I have not done even one minute of exercise this week and I just age Ruffles Cheddar and Sour Cream Chips for dinner.
Elle wrote: 1. I kinda wish FH would go on a trip again because he just seems to leave a trail of stuff everywhere he goes around our house. I miss my nice clean apartment!
I'm with Elle on this one, but worse. DH has been working extra since I'm home now, and when he's here somtimes I wish he wasn't, really bad but same for my older DD at times. When it's just me and the baby during the week I really enjoy having her all to myself.
I love my family dearly, I sweaR!
Edit to add: I have also been making far to many trips to Target since we cut our household income. I keep justifying the $20 here $50 there, but really...I. NEED. TO. STOP.
I'm getting really bored with everything. I feel like I do the same thing over and over and it just keeps going. Nothing is really interesting and I feel like I am just stuck in a rut.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
i'm going through a quarter life crisis right now. i currently am questioning every decision i've ever made. what sparked it? a week long vacation. i'm still depressed.
1. My schoolwork is taking a total back seat to my extracurriculars this semester, which is awful because it's what I did in high school and it ended up biting me in the ass when it came time for this will be great for law school.
2. I kind of have a "thing" going with my ex-bf's best friend (or will, when I get to see him in person), but he's also been one of my best friends for years and it's not anything serious at all so I don't feel bad.
3. I can't wait for this semester will end so I can go home and chill for two months. I seriously am not going to do anything except read, and see my friends, since after that I'll be in classes for 12-14 months straight, but I still feel lazy.
Mine is kind of a biggie - we just got an offer last night on our condo for a boatload of money. We're planning a cross-country move and nobody at my job knows yet. I am freaking out about telling them but SO EXCITED I CAN'T STAND IT!!
I hate myself for stupid reasons (why aren't I taller, prettier, thinner, why is my skin so bad....) and it drives me nuts that I expect others to like me when I don't even like me.
i just had an everything bagel with cream cheese and tomato, cool ranch doritos and a diet coke for breakfast.
i haven't been to the gym since january, but i'm still paying for it! i am SO LAZY it's not funny.
i was putting out baby carrots for the rabbit that lives by my house last night when i saw the rabbit, so i tossed the carrots toward it and i accidentally hit it with one and i really scared it and it took off.
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
asf wrote: i was putting out baby carrots for the rabbit that lives by my house last night when i saw the rabbit, so i tossed the carrots toward it and i accidentally hit it with one and i really scared it and it took off.
I know it's sad, but this is really funny! I could just picture it!
i wish i was able to go home for easter, instead it will be another regular day for me.
i really need to sit down and plan a vacation, because i could use one. which brings me to...
easter reminds me of going to vegas with my friends and it's making me really nostalgic for college because vegas is not my bf's thing. hiking and activity trips are, but sometimes i just want to be drunk by the water/pool....which brings me too....
sometimes i feel like my bf and i are so perfect for eachother, and then there are times when i think that we have different priorities/interests. i know that 90% of the time we're on the same page, but part of me thinks that's not good enough.
i've been waiting for the weather to get nicer, but i've been in a really crappy/tired mood lately and i feel guilty for not being happier and running around in the nice weather 24/7!
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
- I had a homemade peanut butter egg for breakfast.
- I took a vacation day from work today and I feel horribly guilty. I feel like I should never take a day off b/c I have ridiculous amounts of work to do and it will just pile up if I'm not there b/c I'm the only one at my company who does what I do.
- The reason I hate my wardrobe right now, is because it's all just a tad too tight and I refuse to go out and buy new 'fat' clothes. I know I just need to get my ass in gear and go for a walk on my lunch break instead of to the local pizza shop with co-workers.