That our new receptionist is not good??? I am really excited about my promotion but as I am training the new girl who is now in my position, she is horrilbe and it is turning out to be more work for me. They asked me what the qualificaitons should be and I stressed that you have to be really familiar with UPS & FedEx shipping and how to do it all online and keep very organized records. I don't think she has ever used it before. So I went in to each website and wrote VERY specific notes (think ups and fed ex for dummies) about EVERY step in the shipment process and what to write as a reference and so on. Well today she was shipping something and she came and asked me all these questions. I was like "did I not put that in your notes because if I didn't it is important that I do" And she was like "oh, I didn't even look there" UM HELLO!!! And then when the package was ready I was like did you include the invoice and she was like "oh, no I didn't" and agian I asked if it was in the notes and she was like "oh, yea, here it is" She just seems really uneducated and ditzy. You know how when someone doesn't speak eloquently in a business place it makes them sound...stupid? I hate to sound mean, but she says things like "I seen him, but I don't know where he is now" She also isn't one of those people who you explain things to and then she remembers it. Each time she does something I have to tell her how to do it EACH TIME.
On the FIRST DAY I gave her this folder full of really important notes and passwords and usernames for all of our accounts and I keep referring to it for each shipment we make. So then when she does one on her own she comes to me and is like "where do I find the password?" UM IN THE F-ING FOLDER!!!!! She just seems like such and airhead.
So, my boss was like "hey, come see me and tell me how so and so is doing" How do I tell my boss that I think she's not doing well? I mean she is only a receptionist, but when she does something wrong I feel like it's on my shoulders. Like they'll say "didn't you explian that to her?" and I just want to yell....Yes I did but she doesn't absorb ANYTHING I say!!!
Gee, it sounds like your company hired the girl that Bargainqueen just fired!
I'd tell your boss the truth - that she seems slow to catch on to things and is having some trouble following directions. I think it's important that you do, because then your boss is aware of it and if there was a problem in the future, it wouldn't come out of left field? You're really the person who is able to gauge her performance the best, since you're training her and have done her job yourself, so you're functioning as your bosses eyes. If you don't say anything, it'll go on like it is and you're going to have to take the brunt of it!
How long has she been there? IMO she should be pretty much fully trained and able to function on her own in 2 weeks or so .....
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Tell her that you have concerns that she may not have the experience required for the position. Continue on to tell her that you also feel she seems to have difficulty following direction. When she asks you to elaborate, then tell her what your experiences have been. Let you boss be the person to make the decision on whether to keep her or not. Just provide the facts. It sucks to be in that position, but it's basically not your problem, it's your boss' problem.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
Gee, it sounds like your company hired the girl that Bargainqueen just fired!
LMAO!! You took the words right out of my mouth! Just like her, but the password bit hit the nail on the head! She did the same. exact. thing.
Ugh! I know exactly how you feel. I would definitely be up front with your boss and tell him you do not think she is a good fit for the job and the company. As the receptionist, is she also greeting guests? I would also personally worry about the professionalism she portrays to incoming potential clients. Like Elle said, in 2 weeks, she should have basics down, especially if you provided written step-by-step instructions. I know it's really hard to tell your boss and you want to give this girl a break but primarily you have find a person who is a right fit for the company.
I think you have plenty of supporting information to back up your concerns, you have provided her with step by step instructions she doesnt use, an organized password binder, I mean what if she misplaces that info?! I wouldn't be worried about not having valid reasons for your concerns when you present the issues to your boss. Putting up with her performance, or lack thereof, is just going to set you back on your job and like you said, her irresponsibility will be put on your shoulders if you don't speak up. Good Luck and let us know who it turns out.
Sounds like she is not only really ditsy, but SUPER LAZY. She'd rather just ask you for the answer than to flip through a couple of pages of notes for the answer. And if you ask me, lazy is way worse than ditsy.
I would definitely speak up now in a professional way...then if she ends up being horrible, they know that you saw it coming.