This is a weird question, but what the hell. Does anyone know where you buy gold or silver to invest in? Do you literally buy chunks of gold? Or do you invest in certificates that are worth X amount of gold? I have no clue how this whole thing works.
There was a guy from Liberty Mutual at my school the other day giving a presentation, and someone actually asked him about investing in gold. I didn't hear his full answer, but he said something about looking up the exchange it trades on, and investing in all the companies, if you thought that the value of gold would go up. He said that you wouldn't want to only invest in one because a company's stock obviously relies on more than just the value of their product, so investing in all of them would be better because if the value of gold does go up, most of them should. I'm not sure if there's a simpler way to do it, like investing in an index or something.