If so, do you like it? I'm especially interested in hearing from people who live in cities- I'm wondering if the mileage really is that good - I've heard conflicting reports. TIA!
My coworker has a hybrid, I don't remember if it's a Prius or not. I can ask if you like.
I just know she said it's a BIG difference in milage. She lives north of San Francisco in Marin, and she has to drive across the Golden Gate and through SF, and our office is south of SF. I think she said she gets 50 mpg.
You can PM me if you have any specifics you want me to ask her.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
I don't own one but I drove one for a week during my birthday week celebration. I think they're awesome cars! Totally spacious but the gas factor, so awesome. For $5 (depends on gas price), I can drive about 100 miles on the freeway, if memory serves me correctly. It takes less than $15 to fill it up but drives about 300+ miles (like any other car) because the tank is smaller. The little program thingy inside exaggerates it's mpg but still, its a cool car.
I didn't get the chance to drive around in the city but I did go through a small stop and go traffic. I think it'll still be great on gas because when you stop, the car kinda "turns off" but it works back up when you step on the gas.
I would definitely consider getting one in the future.
My hubby has one, and he loves it. If it makes any difference, he traded in a 2005 BMW for it. He just bought some cables for it that allow you to use only the battery for all speeds under 35 mph. It's so quiet when it's on battery that I can't even hear it when it's next to me. I think he averaged a little over 50 mpg, but that's just my guess.