Ugh. So, yeah. D has been a total weirdo the past few weeks. We had a little chat three weeks ago about what exactly was going on with us. And he's flipping out b/c we work together. He likes me, cares about me, has fun with me, but...we work together. I smell an 'he's just not that into me' excuse!! I understand that the whole work thing could most definitely present some annoying scenarios at the office, but it sounds like a cop-out to me, since he seemed to be totally fine with it for a few months.
On the flip side, I've told him that I'm not sure I'm ready for a serious relationship at this point (still on the mend from Stupid) and he said he was cool with that (is he? is he really?). That's great. No, problem, right? Wrong. We've had minimal hang out time outside of work over the past few weeks, but he's going completely, if not ridiculously, out of his way to talk me at work (which he never did before, probably b/c we saw each other outside of work). He'll stop by my cubicle and linger a little bit (okay, a lot) longer than necessary, offer to help me with stuff at work if I need it, but can't manage to ask me to hang out with him outside of work (but strangely, always asks me what I'm doing this weekend or what I'm doing tonight). And then there are the almost nightly text messages and/or random phone calls. What the hell?
If I've learned anything over the past several years from dating, it's that I'm not about to waste my time worrying someone who won't give me their time. So, whatever happens, happens. I'm trying not to be too bitter, only a smidge and only for a moment.
What will be the funnest way to dump the loser, without, of course, rebounding to work? I think you should agree with him. "Yes, I am concerned about the work thing. It can be awkward.... let's stop hanging out together at work." Then stop taking his calls. There will be a moment of panic. Then the icewater of being rejected by the girl he thought he had. Mmm... Makes my day... Do it!
Ugh. Jerkface. If he doesn't want to hang out or whatever, fine, right? Why make it so difficult? I'd definitely take Dizzy's advice and start cutting out the work face-to-face time. Maybe that'll help him make up his mind if he wants to see you or not. If the outside of work time doesn't increase then, well you have your answer, no? And then you can dump him and tell him to get lost.
And if there's one thing I hate more than all others, it's the "What are you doing tonight" that isn't followed up by a "Want to -fill in the blank- with me?"
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare