I have to give a presentation as if I were running a workshop for those in a courtroom (journalist, lawyers, and/or a politician on trial) about critical listening (listening for lies, truths, etc.). I talk a lot about listeing for lies, the pitch in people's voices, the environment in which they are located, trying to get people to agree with you, etc.
What kind of activity can I have the class do? I need one and I'm stumped. It needs to be interactive, involving the entire class. Any ideas are welcomed! tia
Do you want to do a game? Or maybe you could do something like play a video of a famous trial and try to decode the witness to see if they are lying. Break the class into groups and have them pick a part a particular aspect of the person on how it correponds to your presentation. Then discuss it.
I don't know i will have to think about it some more.
I majored in communication, and in my nonverbal class the prof had us break into small groups. One person had to tell a story (either true or made up) and we had to guess which it was.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.