I am going to be taking an adult ballet class at a local ballet school. It is a fitness class that is for any skill level. The required attire is a leotard or yoga clothes. I really want to wear ballet attire. I have always wanted to take ballet, but didn't do it when I was little becuase I didn't want my brother to make fun of me. I thougt ballet was way too girly when I was younger.
Are other people going to be wearing ballet clothes or just me? I would love to dress like the woman in the picture, but I won't. I will probably wear yogo clothes for a few classes, so I can get a feel for what others will be wearing.
Also how did you like your class and what did you cover? I assume I won't learn pointe, but how techinal did the class get?
I don’t want no part of your tight-ass country-club, you freak bitch!
I'd probably wear a leotard and fitted cropped yoga pants - that's what most adults wore at the studio I used to take/teach at. I usually wore a fitted l/s shirt too at first, and then I'd take it off when I got warmed up a little bit.
The first couple classes you take might be a little simple - that's usually when the teacher gauges how advanced the class as a whole is, and helps everyone get familiar with the basics and the class routine. They aren't going to be coming around and poking you with a stick, well, at least not for the first few weeks . Most of the corrections will probably be focused on alignment, because that's very important to prevent injury, and helping people actually figure out the mechanics of certain exercises. As everyone gets more comfortable, they'll start to correct lines and technique.
You'll likely start out at the bar and do some exercises there, then you'll go across the floor (probably in 2s or 3s) and do different steps and combinations, and then you might do some center work and learn a simple combination. I'd get there a few minutes early to stretch a bit on your own.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I second everything Elle said - just a few additions:
If everyone else has been in the class for a while, there might be a fair mix of abilities, so don't be worried if there are things that are more technical than a true beginning beginning class, if you know what I mean. The teacher should give you a fair amount of attention as a new student, and will explain the terms, etc. You might also get different combinations that are a little easier.
If you like it, and you continue on, I would look for a studio that has a fair number of "serious" adult students. In other words, you want to know that they care enough about teaching adults that an adult could actually progress. If you really like it, you don't want to be in an adult beginning ballet / ballet fitness class forever, right?
I would totally wear yoga clothes for the first few classes to see how you like it and what others wear. Personally, I rarely wear a leotard and tights, but then I'm a slacker.
I do think you should get shoes right away, though. The studio might say you can dance barefoot or in socks, but shoes are much better. I love these for technique shoes. They make your foot look pretty, last forever, and are super comfy. They're Sansha canvas split soles.
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
These are Leos, but IMO they're pretty similar to the Sansha ones Poptart posted, just with a slightly higher vamp. $14.99 at Zappos .
local hijack: Poptart, do you like the class/studion you're at now? I've been wanting to take a couple of classes a week again, but I'm afraid I'll end up at Dolly Dinkle's School of Dance.
/end hijack
-- Edited by Elle at 17:08, 2006-04-07
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Elle, do we need to brawl about how great the Sanshas are?
J/K. RyanJ, I should have added - the Sanshas are only $12.20 at discountdance.com. I discount dance. I even buy pointe shoes from them, they are so great.
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
I've been wanting to take a couple of classes a week again, but I'm afraid I'll end up at Dolly Dinkle's School of Dance. /end hijack-- Edited by Elle at 17:08, 2006-04-07
I do love my studio, but it's hella far from you. It's hella far from me in fact, so it's like double for you. You might try Cleo Parker Robinson - their classes are better, IMO, than good ole CBallets, and less expensive. Just don't rely on the sched on their website - it never seems to be updated.
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare