So, you may remember me posting a while back about the crazy lady I share space with at the place I intern at. She keeps the AC on 57 degrees!
Well, she is psycho...and today she asked me "When is your last day?"
I told her sometime at the end of April.
She responded with..."Well, I have a selfish reason for asking...I like having my space to myself. I'm like my cats at home, when I let the dog in, they all run and hide. You wouldn't even know I had cats. Then when the dog quiets down, they'll peek out. They think 'who let this dog in here...he is ruining our peace and quite'! I love the summer, because we don't usually have interns in this space, but then fall will be here and another one of you will be here!"
ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!!! HOW F@#&ING RUDE! You should see this woman! She is so gross and weird!