Hi girls!! I've been lurking around for sometime now and I thought I would just introduce myself. I hope all you fashionable gals can accept me into your community. I just moved to LA and feel super fashion backwards. Hopefully you can all help me fit into trendy LA. TTYL.
Welcome Kabe ! Everyone here is always happy to help, and you'll probably even snag some LA specific advice, too - there are at least a couple other STers out that way.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I sure hope so! This is sooooooo embarrassing but I was inspired by you gals to take the plunge and pick up some Manolo's. Well, I went into Macy's and asked if they carried Manolo's and the sales guy gave me the weirdest look ever. Turns out I was pronouncing it wrong as in Barry Manolo, the singer. After the sales guy corrected me, I wanted to die!! He then directed me to Neiman, but I am thankful that I did this at Macy's and not Neimans. I mean, could you imagine that?
I sure hope so! This is sooooooo embarrassing but I was inspired by you gals to take the plunge and pick up some Manolo's. Well, I went into Macy's and asked if they carried Manolo's and the sales guy gave me the weirdest look ever. Turns out I was pronouncing it wrong as in Barry Manolo, the singer. After the sales guy corrected me, I wanted to die!! He then directed me to Neiman, but I am thankful that I did this at Macy's and not Neimans. I mean, could you imagine that?
What is the correct way to pronounce it? Funny cause I onced messed up a pronunciation in Macy's shoe department too! Embarrassing!