So I let a pretty close friend borrow the first disc of Lost like two or three months ago and she still hasn't given it back. I've asked her maybe weekly in person, on IM, myspace, etc, but I still don't have it. I don't see her that much in person anymore so it's not like I can keep constantly reminding her, plus I feel really annoying asking again. Someone else wants to borrow it and I've told her that but still no DVD. She's a great friend and a super sweet person but a bad borrower. Any ideas on how to get this back before it's lost (har har) forever?
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
if not, call her and say "i need that dvd, when/ where can we meet so i can get it? let's arrange a time now." if she says something like "ohhhhhhhhhh i don't know, i can't figure it out now....." then say "ok, i'll call you first thing in the morning, talk to you then, bye!"
I'd say something along the lines of "I know we're both busy and I keep forgetting to pick up my Lost dvd and I don't want to get on your nerves, so would it be okay if I came over this afternoon and picked it up before I forgot?"
If you put it on you and make it as though you're the one that's forgetting, then you don't risk offending her. And if you just go over there and pick it up, then you don't have to worry about her forgetting to bring it next time you see her.
And once you get it back in your hot little hands, don't let her borrow anything else unless you're okay with not ever seeing it again.
I agree that the best way is to go pick it up yourself. Someone like this will never be bothered returning it to you. Call her and say you wanted to watch it on Friday with your friend and you want to stop by and pick it up right now. If she is not home, ask when she will be home. If you can't coordinate a time, ask her to leave it in her mailbox and you will pick it up. This has happened to me before. It is so frustrating!