After work, I'm on my way to the public library to check it out and see what the whole "free" thing is all about. I'm going to check out Atonement and maybe see if they have any cds or dvds I want to check out.
i LOVE the library. it's where i get most of my cookbooks, movies and misc reading material. i don't know if your local library is like mine, but with mine there is an internet catalog that i can request from, and have it sent to my local library through an interlibrary loan. it's the BEST! right now i have 17 requests waiting to be filled.
the only thing that does suck sometimes, is that new releases are pretty hard to come by as soon as they come out.
The whole "free" thing is frickin' amazing!! Like erin, I have borrowed many cookbooks which are sooooo expensive. Our library system does an interlibrary loan thing so you can borrow books from any library in the province. I also borrow craft books, CD's and movies. Our library is shockingly current. As an example, I was wanting to listen to Neko Case and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. I was going to buy a CD by each artist but instead I went to the library and borrowed them!!! Oh yes, my friend, borrowing is the best buy of all!!!
You know what else? Most libraries are connected to a network where you can download audiobooks! Bestselling ones! Do you know how expensive those are? I'm still trying to figure out how to get it to play on my MP3 player, but I am so excited about it.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
I the library - I go all the time & look at knitting books to decide whether or not I want to buy a book (usually the answer is no, but I would have anyway had I not checked it out). I never thought of CD's. You girls are genius.!!!!!!!!!!!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Wow, I've timidly used my library in the past to check out some books, but it never occurred to me that they would have CD's, movies, and audio books. I'm gonna have to check it out. Thanks ST'ers!
I go to the library all the time. I sometimes spend my lunch hour there. It help me save $ from buying books since I love to read so much. I borrow dvds before, but never cds. I going next week to see if my library has any.
I would be totally media-less if it weren't for the public library.
Mine has a 5-DVDs-at-a-time limit, and sometimes there are more I want to take home. I have gotten sooooo many CDs from there. My iTunes library is probably 80% from the public library CD collection. Plus I can request things online from all the other libraries and get it delivered to mine.
You can even borrow magazines that are from the past month. I just borrowed an armful of March fashion magazines that I don't subscribe to.
I the library!!!
-- Edited by zeitgeist4 at 11:34, 2006-04-06
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
I would spend a small fortune buying books, book tapes/CDs, and DVD if I didn't have the library. Plus, my library is really great because they DELIVER! Yep, I order what I want online and then it just shows up at my door step when it's available. Gotta love the library.
I would spend a small fortune buying books, book tapes/CDs, and DVD if I didn't have the library. Plus, my library is really great because they DELIVER! Yep, I order what I want online and then it just shows up at my door step when it's available. Gotta love the library.
My library stinks. I went there when I first moved over here it is small, dark, and dingy. I'm not considered to live in city limits, so I cannot even borrow any books!
My library stinks. I went there when I first moved over here it is small, dark, and dingy. I'm not considered to live in city limits, so I cannot even borrow any books!
mine sucks too. It's all Dean Koontz and romance novels. I went there with a list of about 20 books I wanted (many of them bestsellers) and they didn't carry a single one.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
Cortney1982 wrote: My library stinks. I went there when I first moved over here it is small, dark, and dingy. I'm not considered to live in city limits, so I cannot even borrow any books! mine sucks too. It's all Dean Koontz and romance novels. I went there with a list of about 20 books I wanted (many of them bestsellers) and they didn't carry a single one.
How are they with public requests? I've already started requesting new cds I want to listen to. Here's to hoping they fill them!!