I'm so sorry you got food poisoning. I've had it a few times and I know how much it sucks. Just make sure you get a lot of rest and drink plenty of water so you don't get dehydrated. I hope you feel better soon!
oh no- hope you feel better soon! it is truly the worst- first you feel like you are going to die, then you WISH you would die!
pedialyte makes these popsicles for kids who are sick and losing fluids w/tons of electrolytes- i found that those really helped me when i had food poisoning. it was the only thing i could eat for a bit.
Oh god I'm so sorry. I had this over my christmas vacation and it sucked. I woke up the next morning and felt like I had been run over by a few 18 wheelers. Everything hurt from the night I spent before in the bathroom.
Get some apple sauce and some gatorade. You need something with sugar in it to help you out. Also you could try bananas or bread or rice but that was always too heavy for me when i was sick like this. Try not to eat too much or drink too much at one time because then you won't be able to keep it down. Just take it slowly.
gatorade and saltines!! The boy just had food poisoning over the weekend and those were the only two things he could stomach. Whatever you do, don't think you can handle hot and sour soup. Trust me (and the boy), you can't.
I'm sorry you're sick - hopefully you'll get better soon!
I can sympathize! A few days before we were supposed to leave for Bangkok, I came down with a violent case of stomach flu. I spent the night in the hotel bathroom before I finally decided it was time to go to the hospital. I never thought I would be so happy to have someone stick a large needle in me (for the IV). They were able to give me some anti-nausea medication and ice chips, then I graduated to the pedialyte popcicles someone mentioned - they are really good and work well if you can get your hands on one. Then try eating some miso soup or plain rice, bananas, saltines, jello, etc. Hope you get better soon!
I had a friend who got food poisening from Dunkin Donuts. She sued them because she lost work and therefore money. They settled out of court for a couple grand, but called it a "nuisance case." My friend only wanted compensation for their mistake, but they treated her like a scammer; in the end they did the right thing though. Anyhoo, if you've missed work because of a restaraunt then you may want to consider persuing this. Hope you feel better soon!