don't worry about it! i had forgotten about the whole thing till you brought it up again in the one post, and it just reminded me what i had been thinking when it originally happened (what a terrible thing to do to someone.)
as for detroit, she said that there are people on here who do that, i don't think she meant one person in particular, so i'm sure that was not directed towards anyone, plus that was a one time situation, so i don't think it was about you at all!
Eh, you know what? Shit happens. I certainly believe you about the whole situation - it was something unfortunate that happened to you, not something you did purposefully or with malice. Nobody can fault you for that, and I don't think the comment you clipped was directed at you at all. I hope you feel comfortable posting on a regular basis sometime soon .
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I think it's very cool that you posted something to straighten things out. Personally, I had no idea what was going on, just that you changed your name.
Please don't feel uncomforatble posting! Sounds like you were the victim of a mean friend, and he/she's the one I'm mad at
thanks for letting us know what happened. i missed it when it occurred, and i had seen you refer to it but figured if you wanted to share, you would. and you did!
i can't speak for anyone else, but i don't think you're seeking attention. don't worry about it - i'm just glad you figured the situation out!
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
I wouldn't give it a second thought, Sandy! I didn't get the vibe that anyone was pointing fingers at you or anything like that and I doubt anyone that knows the story could blame you for what happened. It was a crappy thing that one of your friends did and I don't see how you could possibly be faulted for it.
I just hope that you start posting more and feel comfortable here.
Sandy, you know that I believed you (at least I hope you know I was being truthful). Other than feeling bad for you when it happened, I haven't given it another thought when seeing your posts. And creating multiple personas on boards to create controversy is old news. It used to happen on Lucky ALL THE TIME. When Detroit wrote about people doing that, I thought "Of course they do". But I honestly didn't think of you.
And I hope those posters who didn't believe your story believe you now.
i really hope you start posting again and feel comfortable doing it. i think you had some good things to contribute to the forum. also, i don't think detroit was singling you out. i think people creating two accounts is just something that happens on forums. in fact, when she wrote that, i wasn't surprised, nor did your name come to mind (honestly, i could care less if people have two screenames). what your aquaintance did was awful....and you know what......
karma's a bitch!
don't give it another thought, just start posting again!
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
Don't worry about it! I believed you when it all first happened, and besides, even if I hadn't, it wasn't really that big of a deal.
Post away Sandy and don't feel uncomfortable. It happens and there you go. You explained it and now it's over. I'm sure no one has any negative feelings towards you at all.
Wow. I feel like I missed alot. I dont remember the fake post from your old name.. or any rude response to it!
I'm glad you cleared it up though. I don't think any of us would ever think of you as a weirdo because some jerk tried to embarass you on your favorite forum! Don't sweat it and keep posting!
I don't think detroit meant that towards you. There are several people who post under dual names and quite frequently. So I actually know it wasn't meant towards you. Yours was just a time that we know about and it turned out to not even be you.
Go back to posting regular- that is the quickest way to make things go back normal.
Hope things start getting better for you.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
Ditto to what Hermoine and HeatherLynn said. If I had a problem with you Sandy, I wouldn't have been so accomodating to you with deleting posts and name changes. That's all I want to say - I feel like the little inside scoop I did share is causing too much drama, so I'm not going to say anything more.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
Oy! I've been so busy with work that I haven't had time to post a lot the past few days (although I did pop in and read some posts last night before bed). And all I can say is wow. Just. Wow. I saw the odd Billie Sue posts and was completely confused. And what detroit said about people making names and answering themselves just boggles my mind. But whatever.
As for your situation, Sandy, I don't even remember the post that you are talking about and even if I did, it wouldn't matter. I believe your story and weird things happen like that. That's the internet, for you. So, don't stop posting and don't feel weird! We like having you here!
I believe your story b/c yes the internet is a open place and there are alot of werid people out there and some are down right cruel like in your case.Iam sorry it happen to you and please post more
Wow! Have I been living under a rock? I hadn't seen any of these posts??!! I did catch up on a few from BillieJean after that long thread from a few days ago, wtf? But I hope that you never feel uncomfortable posting on here. I think everyone here is pretty cool and understanding
**Edited because I just reread my post and realized it was BillySue. What the hell was I thinking
-- Edited by rosie_the_riveter at 01:44, 2006-04-06
Wow! Have I been living under a rock? I hadn't seen any of these posts??!! I did catch up on a few from BillieJean after that long thread from a few days ago, wtf? But I hope that you never feel uncomfortable posting on here. I think everyone here is pretty cool and understanding **Edited because I just reread my post and realized it was BillySue. What the hell was I thinking -- Edited by rosie_the_riveter at 01:44, 2006-04-06
you were thinking 1970's tennis?
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I wouldn't worry about it. I don't remember the rude post or any thread around it, so I must've missed that whole thing. I don't think anyone has hard feelings for you over that, so I say keep on posting as your new self and enjoy the forum as much as you want to. *s*
As for the Billie Sue thing - I caught it after the fact and thought the whole thing was a little insensitive. I think it's kind of silly for someone to log in under another user name for the express purpose to poke fun at a certain type (or stereotype) of people, and didn't care for that whole discussion in the beauty section.
But your situation is different from that, and it says a lot about you that you felt bothered enough to explain it further. I look forward to more posts from you in the future!
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler