Iam here! Iam proud of my self only one pair of shorts but it is within my rules.Thanks for starting this. Although Iam looking to buy a pair of brown wedges but it is to replace my current ones.
I did good. I'm having a hard time with it though, which is weird because I can't even wear the stuff I want to buy. But I managed to convince DH to be on a ban too, so that should make it a bit easier.
These threads are really helpful! I just started this today but I made it retroactive to the 1st of the month. Since then I only returned an item to Anthro, for which I got a $100 credit, and bought a long white tank (C&C knock off) for $14 at Anthro (but not w/ the credit, I saved that). it falls under my t-shirt category (with $50 limit) so i think I'm okay.
I did OK. I bought a dress to wear for Easter, but I had birthday money to spend and it was really cheap (I'm like 65% sure its gonna be fake, but whatev. as long as it looks decent, its a cute dress!). And that purchase was kind of a mistake- I did a Best Offer on ebay and was totally not expecting them to accept it!
I did ok not great. I went to the happy hour friday night so I didn't do any shopping
Sat I was drug into work for a few hours (another whole rant) but on the way home I stopped at White & Black to try on the cute polka dot dress on their website and it was disasterous but they had a cute shrug I'd been wanting on sale for $20 so I broke down and got it but nothing else which is really impressive for me.
Sun though was my bad day. I went to Ikea for window boxes and then to whole foods for some new herbs to grow. I think I spent $40 on gardening supplies and plants. They better not die on me. I swear if they do I'm going back to seeds and starting them from scratch!!
i just started the ban on saturday, but so far so good. monday morning is actually my biggest online shopping time and i didn't even browse this morning. :) i did pay for something on ebay that i had won on 3/30, so technically that doesn't count.
"to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop trying." - ee cummings
I didn't do TOO bad this weekend. I didn't buy anything "just because," and I actually was carrying something around with me then put it down because I didn't NEED it.
All of my tees and tanks are "old-fashioned." They're only a year or two old, but that was before the longer lengths were so popular in stores, so I stocked up on some at Target. Plus the tees were on sale. And it falls into my category of "replacement buy."
I got three things at Old Navy, but they are all things I have been looking for (and they're Old Navy prices), so that's how I justify it. I think I'm all set for spring/summer... if only it would stop raining.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
I stayed within my $50 limit this weekend - I'm actually about $15 up. And all the stuff I bought was house and/or boyfriend related (he was sick this weekend). I really wanted to go to F21 and try on that dress Halleybird posted about but I refrained. I'm still aching to try it though, so I may sneak in and see (I still have xmas money I can spend!). But I'll probably try it on and hate it because I always hate everything I think I'll love at F21. So that'll be good. It's only $20ish anyway, so that's within my budget.
I just started today since I was gone this weekend, but am happy to say I only spent $20 while thrifting in Ventura & Santa Barbara. I'm glad shopchicago33 started this b/c I have to be a little more disciplined about my spending.
I was ok but not great. I bought my spring bag which I loooove! Buuuut....it was $270. Eeek. And I charged it to my cc. Double eeek. But it is gorgeous and I will post pics tonight.
Other than that, I was really good. I went shopping with my mom and didn't buy anything myself. However, when my mom found out I wasn't shopping she felt she had to spoil me so I got a new set of bath towels, a tea pot and some sunglasses. gotta love moms.
I went to target to exchange a top for another size, while I was there I remembered I needed some undershirts. The top was marked down and I got $1 back!! I came out ahead and got the shirt and a package of undershirts!!
I've been on a ban since the beginning of Feburary! I've been good by staying away from the "shopping" area of the forum, for the most part. I was bad and bought a shirt on sale at the Limited last weekend. The ban ends on Friday for me, thankfully. I don't think I coud have gone much longer!
i just did a huge thing in terms of the shopping ban -- since probably 90% of my shopping is all done online because of my insane schedule, what ALWAYS gets me is the promo emails i get saying that they have new stuff available or there is a sale or free shipping or whatever. even for stores that i don't remember how i even got on their mailing list i will still check it out.
well, i just went through and unsubscribed to ALL of the mailing lists. so now i will not be compelled to visit bluefly every other day... ;)
"to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop trying." - ee cummings
Smash, that's a great idea. I just need to stay out of the shopping and fashion section because someone is always posting something that I want. Or I get bored at work and start browsing clothing sites. This would be so much easier without the internet!