I want to get more practice with my Spanish. It's my minor but besides during class I have no one to speak with so I really do not get to actually apply what i know. Can anyone recommend any good spanish websites or magazines or newspapers that I could subscribe to? And just to clarify, I dont want something that is going to teach and explain the language... just something that will actually be all in spanish so I can apply what i know so it sticks with me better. thanks!
Not exactly what you were asking for, but I have found that Watching the spanish channel really helps to keep me fresh. I like Soap operas, talk shows, and the news. You can even rent movies in spanish. There are some great books that you can get in spanish as well. They even have spanish versions of people magazine, and some other style mags. I live in an area where All of the stores carry spanish books, movies and mags.
My spanish teacher in high school always encouraged us to listen to songs in spanish because you could work on your pronunciation and your speed that way. You might want to check into that option also.