I have to present a somewhat current news article that is in the content of pharmacist roles, health care provider roles, distribution of pharmaceutical products, health care coverage, or soemthing along those lines, pharmacy and buisness etc..
If anyone recalls something they have recently read about pharmacy in a newspaper or online news source that i might be able to use, let me know. By the way, I know medicare is big right now, but i thnk alot of my classmates will do that, and frankly, im so sick of hearing about it!
Thanks in advance!
"Deep down you may still be that same great guy I used to know. But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you" Rachel Dawes, Batman Begins
How about the issue that pharmacists now can refuse to distribute birth control and the morning after pill if they don't morally agree with it? There's been some stuff in the news in the past few months about that issue.
At my school they provide various places where you can search. Like Academic Search Premier & LexisNexis.
LexisNexis is a database for news articles. It offers from regional to worldwide news. Maybe you can look in the database put a few keywords and see if you like anything.
a couple of things come into mind...don't know if they would work for the assignment:
*the issue of generics, there's a ton of stuff that's losing it's patent protection in the next copule of years. iirc, it's something like forty billion or so.
*what about aids drugs? there's two smaller issues here, the super high price of aids drugs in africa and the fact that brazil started making thier own aids drugs despite patent protection.
*avian flu stuff. distribution/manufacturing/stockpiling of tamiflu-ish drugs and the research into vaccines. this could also be done looking at any of the major scary epidemics (avian flu, smallpox, anthrax).
all of those are stuff that ive gone over in school so if something strikes your fancy, pm me and ill try to work through stuff with you.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling