ditto to what you said, plus $15 each week can be spent (to keep me from going nuts), and I get to spend half of any birthday money I might get from my grandparents.
Hmmm, should we try to go through memorial day? That's what, 2 months?
I started a semi-ban (certain things are allowed) in January, but wasn't actually able to follow it until recently. That was just a self-control thing I had to learn. So now that I'm back on the wagon, I'll join.
Things That Are Banned:
I have enough clothes. Literally no more room. I weed out things I don't like/don't fit on a fairly regular basis, and there is still not enough room.
No more shoes. Again, no more room to put them. How many pairs of black sandals and boots do I really need??
No more handbags. As you all can see, I have every category covered.
And of course I don't need to be spending the money.
Things That Are Allowed:
Jewelry I make myself. But I will still try not to go overboard.
Clothing items that are replacements for things I already own and like. Mainly basics that are stained or don't fit anymore.
I really don't have any specific time frame. This is really just something I need to learn to live by (or at least while I'm on my current salary).
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
I'm always on the ban, off the ban, etc. But since January, I've only used my cc once, which is a trend I hope to continue. I've been semi-on the ban since about February. My rule is that I have $50 each week to spend on entertainment type things. If I have some left over, I can spend it on beauty/clothing/shoes/etc. Or I can save it and combine it with the next week's leftover $$.
Results? I visit Target and ON more than I used to and the boy gets to pay for a lot more dinners out. I'm bad! But luckily, I knew I was going to do this and saved some xmas gift cards for use throughout the spring/summer.
I'm also spending more time going to thrift/vintage stores and places like Marshalls and TJMaxx. I find the thrill of finding some amazing deal (for something only I truly love) helps make up for a lack of new, pretty things each week.
I'm with you ShopChicago. I need to ban myself again. I tried the shopping diet and that failed. I think I was thinking about it too nicely. I am going to call it a ban and know that I can bend it every now and then. Besides I need to exercise every night instead of shop online so I can buy cute clothes.
Count me in I have been on one since the first of March after I got my black and cream dress. Iam itching to buy something but I need to save for dental work and put aside 130.00 a month for house cleaning- yes I finally found someone Iam thrilled she came yesterday and she done a great job.
OH I forget! Most imporant if we having the dallas get-together in june I need to save for that
Okay coming back to add that I can buy some shorts b/c I only have a few and I need some more, but they have to under 30.00
I'm in. I have always been on and off a ban, but I really need to start saving, well learning how to budget myself, because the real world comes in august when I graduate.
The only things i am allow to buy
Finish easter basket
Replacing stained or worn out clothes
See, I don't have the problem of my closet being to small. It is huge and I have it all to myself. Which is really bad.
I'm in on this. I've been spending money like crazy lately. I'll be on the ban until after I have this baby and lose any excess weight. I want to have money saved for a new post-baby wardrobe; I think this will motivate me to get back into shape quicker.
I'm in too. I do not need anymore clothes and snowboard season is almost over so I can start saving some serious money (insted of dropping almost $100 on lift tickets every second week)
Although I do need... -some running shoes (for actual running, not just looking cute) -some running pants/yoga pants to work out in -a spring bag. But will only buy a bag that I love. And will hopefully pay for with birthday $$$
Must.Save.Money! I have been spending way to much lately.
i'm on a full-out ban starting today until 8/1. i was on one basically all last year, only allowing myself to buy stuff related to my wedding, which is why i went a bit crazy with the shopping for the past three months or so.
my business is going full-time as of july 1, so i have no more day-job income (which is what i've been used to living on for the past 5 years) and will just have business income (which is good, but sporadic)
my husband and i are moving either 7/1 or 8/1 and obvioualy moving requires a ton of expenses - packing stuff, movers, security deposit, etc
we would like to take a trip to greece or italy for our first wedding anniversary in september, so we'll need money for that
things i'm allowed to spend money on:
business related expenses (but nothing frivolous like new file folders just because i think they are pretty) - this is also the ONLY thing i am allowed to put on my credit card
necessary drugstore items (but no makeup and sephora-type things)
gifts for friends' birthdays
moving related expenses
travel expenses
cat food & litter (but no more toys - they have plenty!)
the only way i am allowed to spend any money on clothes is if somehow something absolutely necessary in my closet is lost to spontaneous combustion.
"to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop trying." - ee cummings
I am so with you. Actually since last summer, I have only been buying clothes that I needed or absolutely loved. Unfortunately for me, I still have a lot of needs in the clothing department. So far, here are my shopping guidelines:
I do not need any more makeup, except for mascara, and even then, I should be okay for another six months.
No more than one necklace, maybe one bracelet, and two pairs of earrings (costume jewelry, not fine jewelry!).
Everything and anything related to my being a bridesmaid on October.
I need to be in on this too. I have been spending money like crazy! So, here are the terms of my self-imposed quasi-shopping ban for the month of April. Please help me enforce this, girls!!
Okay I have been updating and revising my wardrobe since I lost my baby weight plus more, and many of my older clothes don't fit anymore. So having said that, I can only purchase items that fall into one or more of the following categories:
1. flats in a neutral color, to go with my new Ben Sherman summer hanging out dress
2. comfy, cotton hanging out dresses or skirts (must be under $50 unless love it)
3. trench if I see one for a decent price that I love
4. shoes to go with my Easter outfit
5. brown purse -either from anthro w/ credit or the kooba i want
6. only 1 chai from starbucks a week
7. other WELL-PRICED and comfy shoes that may need to complete summer wardrobe (i.e. black suede wedges--SM or Target version)
8. something to complete new Calvin Klein skirt outfit, if needed
9. cute t-shirts (maximum $50)
10. 1 or 2 pr hanging out pants (maximum $50)
I'm in too. I've been fairly good since I moved from Hawaii to California, but dropped a lot of money this weekend going to Ventura & Santa Barbara. Granted, I found cute stuff @ a thrift store, but I didn't really need it.
I'll hold out as long as possible & will really exercise caution whenever making a purchase. The only thing I need is lingerie, but everything else would be excessive.
Thanks shopchicago33 & good luck to all who are trying to curb their shopping.
I'm in too. I'm allowing myself $100 - $150 a month for clothing purchases and I have to pay cash for anything I buy with that money, no using CCs. Also, I'm going to try to get used to this "diet" because I'm starting law school next year and will not have $500+ a month to spend on clothes. We'll see...
I would like to join. I am going to go drastic and take my morning coffee in a thermos. I have tried this before and it worked out okay. My coffee is just as good as the coffee shop...seriously. Also:
-No more magazines. OMG. I am an addict. The exceptions are Vegetarian Times and the new issue of Knit.1 which I think comes out in May.
-I am lacking big time in spring clothes but I am going to shop in the bowels(tee hee) of my closet and purchase a couple of new items and continue to shop at thrift stores.
-This may sound bizarro but I am also banning grocery shopping except for soy milk, coffee and fresh fruit/veggies. I have enough staple items to keep me going for at least a month. I love to grocery shop. I have a problem. I was doing really well and making my own bread, etc, and then I got lazy so now I have all the ingredients for several loaves. And cans of beans, and rice, and quinoa, and fake meat and gluten and all the stuff a good veg needs to live.