I'm trying to be better at spending money, but I don't know anything about cars, so I need your help so I don't over-compensate and get a car I don't need. There will be no snow or driving issues, but I don't want a piece of crap that would fall apart in an accident either, know what I mean?
Here are my choices:
Dodge Neon/Kia Rio for $40
Ford Focus/Hyundai Accent/Chevy Cobalt/Pontiac Sunfire for $50
I would probably go with the Ford Focus, because the Neon/Rio are really basic - no automatic windows or locks.
I rented a Focus once, and while it's small, it fit into the smallest parking spaces and felt "secure" while driving over 50 mph. Some smaller cars feel like they might self-destruct at 55 mph Same with the Sunfire - it was very functional.
I would maybe get the magnum/G6 if you plan to do a lot of driving, but if it's a weekend trip, I would save the extra $$$.
What would you be using it for? A lot of driving or little driving? I say a focus if you are not doing a lot of driving, but I would get the magnum if I was planning little trips.
How long are you renting it for? Is it for a vacation or until you get a new car? None of those cars are super-exciting so if it is just for a short time period, I personally would pick the cheapest. I think the rental company has a responsibility to keep the cars running well so I don't think it falling apart would be an issue.
usually when i rent a car for work (which is about once a month) i go with the 2nd one up from the bottom. the bottom level usually doesn't have any power options or if it does- very few. i've never had any problems and i usually drive A LOT when i have them...