So I'm sitting at home and the buzzer rings and they say "police" so I buzz them in. Two fat SOB's come lumbering up the stairs and ask if I called them and I tell them no I didn't call the police. He checks his walkie talkie and they say Pa### which is my last name. And he starts getting really snooty with me. I insist I did not call them. He askes me "how long have you lived here" and I say my husband has lived her for 8 years and I moved in 2 years ago. And he says "oh so you are pa### you just said you weren't" and I tell him um no I said that's me. Now he gets really jerky and tells me " I speak perfectly good english and I know what I heard" so I tell them then I must have misheard you. Then he asks me " do you know where you are?" and I'm like um yeah home "no I mean you are in the city of Chicago do you know how many millions of people there are in Chicago" A bunch I answer and he looks at his partner and goes " would you look at this a bunch she tells me" at this point in time I want to cry because I've done nothing, have no clue why they are here and he's being really mean to me in my own home. Apperantly my alarm tripped the silent alarm and that's why they came. Just had to vent. So now with this I'm writing a letter to his Sgt as well as sending a copy to the Chicago Tribune. This should not happen to innocent people in their own homes.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
i really don't understand why he's treating you like the criminal. and i also think it's really stupid and disrespectful and obnoxious and not to mention downright scary to pull some bullsh*t power trip on an obviously innocent civilian in her own home. i'm totally glad you're writing that letter. (((hugs)))
Not only was their behavior completely out of line, I find it terribly odd that when someone's silent alarm goes off, they hurry over, only to have to ask to be beeped in!
I mean, seriously, what if someone had broken into your house? The cops beep into your apartment and give the burglar advance notice that they're coming up?!? Or what if you had been home and someone broke in and injured you - you're supposed to drag yourself over to the intercom to let the freaking police in?
How would they have gotten in if someone actually had been wrong and you weren't home or were unable to reach the door?
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
That was incredibly inappropriate. Until the 4th to the last sentence, I was really scared. I was thinking maybe they weren't cops but were people dressed like cops that were trying to get information to rob you later. Crazy, but you know all those stories about women that think they are getting pulled over by a cop, but really it's a rapist?
Anyway, good for you writing to the SGT and the Chicago Tribune. If you have time, send it to a few other newspapers as well. Use names if you remember them. It will be so sweet to see justice in the form of public embarrassment. Who the hell do they think they are???
Maat wrote: That was incredibly inappropriate. Until the 4th to the last sentence, I was really scared. I was thinking maybe they weren't cops but were people dressed like cops that were trying to get information to rob you later. Crazy, but you know all those stories about women that think they are getting pulled over by a cop, but really it's a rapist?
EXACTLY what I was thinking but I thought it was because I watch Derailed at 4:30 this morning instead of I'm extra skeptical of people in general today.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Collette, that is just awful! I hate when people are totally rude without being the least bit provoked. And cops! I mean, shouldn't we expect more from them? (Maybe that's naive, but still, I maybe not get it, but I expect more from public servant types.) Plus, don't they realize that if your silent alarm goes off you probably wouldn't know it???
the first thing i thought was that these are not real cops. i would have been sooo scared. i'm sure those are the same cops that would come to my place in a time of emergency. nice to know.
i'm glad you're writing a letter. did your dh flip out?! my bf would have totally flipped out and written so many letters and made so many phone calls. that makes me so angry.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
Ugh. Stupid cops. Not all cops are stupid and mean but those guys were. What a power trip they were on! Good for you for standing up for yourself and writing to papers and their seargant. Ugh. Stupid cops.
When I first started reading your post I got scared b/c I thought it was two guys posing as cops... yikes! If there's a next time, take a deep breath and ask for their badge number and what precinct they're from. Then call the precinct and ask whether or not there's a cop who works there with that badge number. This will likely get them pissed off too, but at least you know that you're dealing with the real McCoy.
You kept your cool a lot more than I would have.
"I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch." - G. Radner