...at my husband if he did this! But I wouldn't leave my bag in a guy's care in the first place.
SAUSALITO One in a million -- Good Samaritan turns in purse full of jewels Hiker finds tourists' Louis Vuitton bag on park bench - Cicero A. Estrella, Chronicle Staff Writer Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Shahla Ghannadian cried Sunday for most of the flight home to Toronto. Hours earlier, while sightseeing in Sausalito, her husband lost her Louis Vuitton purse.
But it wasn't just any Louis Vuitton purse. This one contained jewelry worth more than $1 million.
Ghannadian held out hope, but knew the chances of recovering the valuables were slim.
So the phone call from Sausalito police on Monday came as a shocker. San Rafael resident John Suhrhoff had found the purse and turned it over to police with all its contents -- including a Cartier watch, diamond and ruby rings, pearl earrings, necklaces with large diamond stones, and $500 in cash.
"My mom started to cry again and my dad became very emotional, too," Ghannadian's 28-year-old son, Ali Khalili, said of the phone call. "That was a big deal. There are still good people in this world."
Ghannadian had left her husband in charge of the purse for a just few minutes while sightseeing in Sausalito, and he must have forgotten it on a park bench, Ali Khalili said.
Ghannadian realized the purse was missing as the family was at their San Francisco hotel room, preparing to leave for the airport. They rushed back to Sausalito but could not find the purse.
Sausalito police said Suhrhoff found the purse Sunday on a park bench behind a bank on Bridgeway Street.
Suhrhoff took the purse to Sausalito police Monday and asked nothing in return, according to police Sgt. Kurtis Skoog.
"He left his name and address, but not to get a reward," Skoog said. "He said, 'If they want to thank me, here's my information.' ''
Suhrhoff, a 56-year-old respiratory therapist, told the Associated Press he found the purse during a lunch break while hiking.
"Every person I know or associate with would have done the same thing,'' he said about his good deed. "I'm glad to be able to help."
Ghannadian, her husband, Said Khalili, and their two sons had been in the Bay Area to attend the Friday wedding of Ghannadian and Khalili's daughter.
Ali Khalili said his mother was upset mostly because the jewelry had sentimental value. Some of the pieces had been handed from one generation to the next in her native Iran, he said.
"Everyone was upset," Ali Khalili said. "We were just hoping that maybe some good person had come by."
E-mail Cicero A. Estrella at cestrella@sfchronicle.com
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
what a great story! i especially love the part about the good samaritan saying every person he knew or associated with would have done the same thing, how wonderful to know, you know?
and yeah, i'd have cried too if i were her--for days (weeks even...)
I think when you travel with jewlery, it's not safe to leave it in the hotel room, but likewise I would be really reluctant to carry it around with me all day.
This is what hotel safes are for. Honestly, I'm glad this woman got her stuff back, and I think the man who found it and turned it in is commendable, but really... if you have a bag full of money and family heirlooms and you insist on carrying it around with you, don't put it down, ever, for one second.
"I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch." - G. Radner
i hope this doesn't sound prejudiced, and i am by no means saying this is the majority, but i have met more than a few people who are either first or second generation immigrants that don't feel safe putting their valuables in a bank ... i can see (but don't agree) how she might have thought that it was safer for her to keep everything with her ...
anywya, maybe now she'll learn to keep them in a safe or safety deposit box!
What a sweet story! But, to be fair, who carries all their valuables around like that?
lol, me probably. i know i know it seems like such a risky thing to do but i always feel like valuables are safer with me when i'm traveling. besides, what are the alternatives? i'd rather not check luggage w/ valuables like that in it and i'd rather not leave it in the hotel once i arrive at my destination. and maybe those kind of valuables should just not be traveled with but the lady was there for her daughter's wedding, right? i can see how such a special occassion deserves wearing special heirloom jewelry. sheesh, i remember when i went to nyc for vaca i carried my shoes with me on the plane (you know the jeweled ones that strap around the ankle that i'm always posting about?) just so the nyc st girls could see them and give me outfit tips! i am suuuch a spaz sometimes.
anway i'm so glad it all worked out for the poor lady because otherwise her memories of her daughter's wedding would just have been so bittersweet, you know?
ya, not only was she there for her daughter's wedding but it was the day they were flying out, so it actually makes perfect sense that she had that stuff in her bag..you should never check valuable jewelry!
i really hope they gave the guy some kind of a reward for doing that--that woman was super-lucky that such an honest person picked up her bag.
did you guys hear the story around christmas time of the NYC cab-driver who returned a bag full of diamonds to someone who left it in his cab? and then the grateful person (who was some kind of gem merchant, i think) sent him a certain amount of money and a diamond bracelet to give to his wife for the holidays. that one always makes me tear up--how sweet.