I know a couple of you have big dogs -- do you get them groomed? My husky mix sheds like a biatch this time of year, and I am wondering if getting him groomed would help. He gets baths at home, and I usually brush him once a day, but this time of year is fur city at our house.
I used to get Halley groomed when I was in college (because I had nowhere to bathe her) and it was a total waste of money, but she has short hair. Any experiences? I think the cost for a bath and brushing is around $50 for a dog his size. My husband says no way are we spending that much on a "dog bath" but if it saves me from vacuuming 3 times a week, I think it might be worth it!
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
I really don't notice that much of a difference. My mom is a clean freak, so my dog gets a bath every 2 weeks. She stills sheds like crazy. It actually seems to be a little worse after she has been bathed-that may just be my imagination.
The only thing that seems to help is brushing her like crazy.
I don’t want no part of your tight-ass country-club, you freak bitch!
I used to have a Husky and I know what you mean about shedding. I think it's one of those things that just happens and you have to wait till all the hair falls out.
I do think it helps to give the dog a bath at home, and then while he's wet, rub his fur a lot to work out all the chunks (outside of course), and just brush him a ton.
I don't think that having him groomed would have different from doing it yourself.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
When We had or other dog,with longer hair, I did not really notice a difference. The best thing you can do is brush him as much as possoble. I did not think it was worth it. I have 2 cats and a dog and I vacuum constantly and I hate it. We have kitty fur dust bunnies even if I skip a day or 2.
Brushing a lot is the only thing that works for my golden. I did notice, when I was at the vet last time, that there is a supplement that is supposed to cut down on shedding. Maybe you could ask your vet about it? I can't remember the name, but I would like to think that if the vet was posting about it that it is safe and that it works.
You're going to laugh because this is totally on late night infomercials but it really does work. It's the Shed Ender. My friend has it for her long haired dog and it cut down on it's shedding a ton.
My dog sheds like a MOFO! Since she's white, she gets dirty fast so she gets groomed once every two or three weeks (we take her to PetCo and it's like $30). I'm not sure if the grooming really helps with her shedding since she goes so often, but if it helps, I can't even imagine how much she would shed if we didn't take her.
Thanks for the thoughts, guys! The jury's still out, I guess. I also feel really bad, because when he shakes off (like in the backyard), hair goes everywhere, and I am pretty sure a lot of it ends up over my neighbor's fence.
txgal - are you talking about Missing Link? My vet recommended that, and I tried it last year and didn't notice any sort of difference. Maybe it's for a different type of dog hair. But if there's something else out there, I'd love to know!
Colette- that Shed Ender looks intriguing. Is it just a special brush, or is it motorized? I can't tell.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde