.... it turns out we might be moving. AGAIN. Can't a girl get a break around here?!?
A job (for FH) has come available back in Portland at a really prestigious place - he's going to interview in 2 weeks. It's extrememly competitive, but it's his 'ideal' place to work and openings there don't come around too often.
I'm not quite sure how I feel about it yet. We always talked about going back someday, but it feels weird to have it as a possibility in our immediate future. To be honest, I think a little of my reservation has to with the fact that it means the end to moving and starting anew every few years, and it feels like we're going back to what we had when we were younger and leaving our 'grown up' life behind. Now, I know that is totally strange to think, but I've gotten used to living as I please without obligation to family or people who think they know who I am. It kind of makes me uncomfortable to think that we'll never live anywhere else again .
Anyway, it's hardly a sure thing yet, and I'm not even sure what I'm asking. But it feels better for someone to know (we aren't breathing a word to anyone IRL yet). Feeling unsettled.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
awww, I'm sorry - well kinda. I can't imagine if I had to move back home right now - or ever really, so I know just how you feel. Sounds like it's a good job situation for him though, right? And if he takes it doesn that mean you'll not ever move again? I mean really, he could get transferred again. There are pros & cons to both scenarios. The main thing is, don't panic. Nothing is sure yet & you never know. I'm a firm believer in "things happen for a reason" so whether or not he gets that job, maybe it's where you are supposed to be, ya know?
Were ya'll actually in Portland before or is it just close to where you were? I can't remember exactly where you moved from when you went to Colorado.....
-- Edited by laken1 at 17:37, 2006-03-27
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
We are both originally from there, but we were in eastern washington for 2 years while he was in school, so we moved from there to CO.
The job is superfreakingfantabulous for him. It's his end-all be-all job, so if he got it it's where he would retire from. Our plan has always been once we move back to live somewhere close to his job and save to buy a house, have a family and continue to save, and then buy property and build a big house. We won't be leaving again.
I know that things happen for a reason. I just didn't think they'd be happenin' for a reason just yet !
-- Edited by Elle at 17:40, 2006-03-27
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
we were kind of in a similar situation when we chose to move back to the area from dc. my husband's job had an opportunity for him to relocate to pennsyltucky..and we knew we wanted to come back eventually.
it's been kind of hard to resign myself to the idea that this is where we will be maybe forever...but i've come around. i look at it this way - it's a great opportunity to be around our family now, and the area is SUPER cheap (i assume portland is cheaper than denver, right?). and even though this is his dream job, who's to say as he works through the ranks, he won't find another dream job in another city? things change through the years...i haven't given up complete hope that we might move somewhere else in ten years.
that was kind of rambly, but i think this could be a really good thing. plus, going on the assumption that portland is cheaper, just think of all the money you could save and put towards some awesome vacations to *visit* other cities!
im don't have much to add....im sure that stuff will work out. really, even though it wasn't in your immediate future plan, isn't it only a good thing that your hubby is doing so well with his career that this company wants him now? but really, if i had to move back to lancaster with the bf and actually live in an area where people and family know me as the person i was ten years ago i would flip out. ive become a woman that i am extremely proud of and i don't know if being back around people who might not see me as that woman would cause me to revert to some other relrel, ya know? i think it could be okay. it would be a a period of adjustment but in the end would probably work out.
besides....then we could be neighbors even sooner!
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling