my mom gave me a sewing machine for my birthday a couple months ago and i have yet to even plug the thing in. i want to use it and have even seen a few simple patterns i think i could try, but i don't know where to begin. i have sewn before, but it's been about 10 years so i need some way to refresh my memory and learn more advanced techniques. i've tried searching for sewing classes in my area but i haven't had much luck...
are there some books that are any good? i found one on Amazon called Sewing 101 that seemed decent and i've heard both good and bad things about Sew Fast, Sew Easy. or how can i find a class? (i've already checked with a couple fabric stores...)
I'm even worse than you! I asked for (and got) a sewing machine for Christmas of '04 , and it's still sitting in the box, next to my copy of Sewing for Dummies.
I'd like to hear peoples advice, too!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
my mom is an advanced sewer (like i draw pictures of stuff i want and she makes it!) and has been going to an "embroidery club" at her local sewing shop b/c her machine also has the embroidery attachment to it. all of her haunts have sewing classes though. i would call some of the "boutiquey" fabric stores to see what they have. (yes, we have clothing boutiques and my mom has fabric boutiques!) or contact some of your local sewing machine stores to see what they have to offer or suggest.