and my kids were in the car. I was leaving my mom's house after picking up the children, as was on my way home. I was on a busy street, and making a left to turn onto a backroad. There was a person on the opposite side of me also making a left. As I was turning, a car rammed into mine, on the passenger side. All I saw was a car coming towards my kids and thought they were going to be killed. Thank God they are fine, I came online to tell you girls and hopefully get my mind off of it.. they are now at my mother's house. As far as me, I am really mentally fucked up and my body hurts. I'm all bruised up, but that doesn't matter... I'll get to the doctor next week. As far as my car, it is DONE. Thank God I drive a safe car (Rav4), but it is destroyed.
Oh my god, Karina, that's awful!!! I'm so glad you and the kids are okay. That must have been terrifying. I hope you start feeling better soon! (((hugs)))
Oh honey....I don't even know what to say except 'thank god'. I mean, that is a bad thing to go through...bad...really bad.
So good to know that your kids are ok and safe and well.
I'm so sorry to know you are bruised and probably sore and aching and really anxious. I'm sending good thoughts and prayers your way...along with a virtual hug (((*))).
i am so glad you are (more or less) okay and your babies are ok. can you go to the ER or the urgent-care tonight, just to get checked out and make sure?
I'm so glad you and your family are okay. I know what you are saying about how you feel mentally after something like that happens. I hope you feel better soon!
Oh, my kids started crying the minute the cars crashed. It was so terrifying to see - I can't even talk about it.. I keep having these horrible flashbacks about it.
I want to wait until tomorrow at least to go get checked out. I think going to the hospital tonight would freak me out even more.. I'm going through major anxiety right now. Can anyone recommend what I should do as far as retaining an attorney, since I probably will have some doctor's bills if I decide to go.
oh Karina...i am so sorry to hear that. getting in an accident is such a terrifying experience, i can't even imagine how it would be with your children in the car. i am just *so* glad that you all made it out in one piece. ((hugs))
I am so sorry, but so glad that you and the kids are okay!
As far as an attorney, you shouldn't need one unless your medical bills exceed the coverage of the person who was at fault. Your own auto insurance claims rep / agent will tell you all about the process, I'm sure.
I hope you feel better soon.
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
Oh Iam so sorry I have tears in my eyes right now(hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Thank God the kids are alright. Please come and talk to us if you need to
Oh, I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine how scary that would be, especially with your kids in the car. I'm glad you're all alright and i hope you feel better soon.
I am so glad you are all okay - that is the most important thing. Everything else is just hassle - paperwork, getting another car - all pales after knowing that you're allright. I hope you are just bruised up and feel better in a few days, and have no lingering effects from this.
I was in a bad wreck - car was totaled - many years ago, but I still remember how shaken I was after, and how I felt kind of in shock and disassociated (sp) from things for a day or so.
*hugs* to you and the kids !
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler