Atlanta girls...Chic, atlgirl, jah, Mandy, jessjoy...anyone else I missed? Anyone interested in a get together? sfclinevandy, could you make a trip up?
Me too! My schedule is most flexible on weekdays/nights. W/ends right now are looking a bit tough for me as we move into April and my show season starts...but I'll do what I can to join in if we're having a meetup. I've met jj (jessjoy) and would love to see her again and meet the rest of you.
I think jah is no longer living in atlanta...
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
I JUST left Atlanta today (I was up for Spring Break & my mom's 50th) but I may be able to make a getogether. Y'all pick a date and I'll let you know if I could make it.
Waaah... I would have loved to do that, but atlgrl is right, I moved to San Diego at the end of the year. Have fun at the get together and if you decide to do something as dangerous as shop together, buy a pair of shoes for me!!