Push up Push Ups and more Push ups! seriously it will tone your arms and back in one step. For mpore detailed work outs check out Shape.com They have a ton of detailed arm workouts on there!
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
Lift very heavy weights. Muscles grow or shrink but they don't "tone." Nice shoulders make an entire upper body look nice so make sure to work those deltoids.
I've been doing what Jen said because a guy I was dating said I should start lifting heavier weights for better tone - obviously he wasn't a keeper, but I have to admit he was right. It makes a huge difference. I lifted little 10 pound things for years without really making much of a difference. Now I lift as much weight as I can handle. It doesnt' look pretty while I'm doing it, but it actually feels fun. I'm a small person so it makes me feel like a bruiser - teehee
I go to the gym, use the weight machines and do 3 sets of 15 at the most weight I can handle at least once a week (when I'm good it's twice). My arms used to be my most hated body part, but now they are getting a lot better.
I used to lift 11 pound weights. I got lazy and don't do it anymore, it's rather useless anyways since I think my arms look rather muscle-y from housework.
I started by lifting 10 lb weights, but my arm muscles were completely non existant, so they were really heavy for a while. They worked really well, and I'm going to go out and get some heavier ones. I also second what Collette said about push ups!
Maybe someone in the know can set me straight regarding push ups. I've heard that too many push ups will make my chest smaller, and I've heard that this is a myth. Anyone know the truth?
Maybe someone in the know can set me straight regarding push ups. I've heard that too many push ups will make my chest smaller, and I've heard that this is a myth. Anyone know the truth?
One of my old roommates had a weight-lifting class in college. I don't know how much merit there is to this, but her instructor said it varies for different people--some people's chest may get smaller and others' won't. Not exactly what I wanted to hear (I wanted a concrete answer) but I am too lazy to actually try it out and see (and kinda scared my almost-nonexistent chest will dissappear).
That's one of the strangest myths I've heard I have to say. Let's think about this...as a muscle is worked, it gets bigger! On the other hand, look at what a chest is made of...fat. So, while your pectoral muscles are getting bigger (making you appear more lean and giving your upper chest some definition and lift) your fat % may be going down since muscle aids in burning fat. Talk to anyone who has lost weight and most will say they lost it in their boobs first. That has nothing to do with push-ups, just general weight loss. Wouldn't it be great if we could spot reduce? Sorry, we can't. Building pecs up will give your bust nice definition and lift the breast up. So the end result is more muscle and less fat and I think that's great! hth!