This has not been a fun week. So un-fun that it's borderline comical.
Friday the Garage door opener broke-down, leaving me fumbling up the front steps in the dark (because the front porch light went last month), and the trash cans stuck in the garage. After working for over 18 years, it just couldn’t wait a few more months. Fortunately Sears had one on sale, mom bought it Saturday morning. I'm taking a personal day to wait for the installation.
We started seeing these little bugs in the bathroom a few weeks ago, but could not figure out what they were. Saturday, they appeared on the front porch... with wings. We had a swarm of breeder termites, and mom frantically called Terminix. The guy came a few hours later to look around. Apparently when they built the houses in our area (back in the 60s), the builders used all the leftover wood, covered with dirt, to build up a foundation for the front porch. This created a perfect breeding ground for the bees we had last summer, the ants we had last fall and the termites that came out this week.
Then I found out that a friend I met when I was in high school just got yanked back into active duty and sent to the middle east. Needless to say, he's tense.
I remember after we first moved into the house, my aunt stepped on a rusty nail, my dad's car was totaled by a truck, then I got attacked by a dog -- all in one day. That was over 15 years ago.
oh lordy girl. you are having a rough well. the good news is that its halfway over and most of it is fixable. I also believe in the 3s and luckily you are having them all at once. I am never that lucky. Usually its 3s within a few months for me.