I know this is kind of a weird post, but every year, I make my boyfriend an easter basket (well the last 2 years) and i make them with a theme (that craziness can be blamed on my mom). I know it is a little cheesy, but it is cute. Anyways, last year I did an whole apt. theme because he was moving into new apt. So i bought him all the essentials (cleaning products, trash can, soap etc...). I am not really sure what I want to do this year and I am in the brainstorming process. I want to be able to get him things that will be useful (he of course like all men are so practical). The only thing I can think of is that he is in now in search of a new job (he is starting to finally grow up and is now looking for a career type job), so I could do something along those lines. In that case, if i do something like that, I was thinking that I could get him a leather portfolio that he can use for interviews. But then I am stuck. I don't know, what else i could get him along those lines. I was hoping you girls could help me get ideas. Thanks.
What about a new tie for interviews, resume paper (do people still use resume paper?), some sort of note cards to send thank you notes to the people he interviewed with, a resume book.
Definetly some nice resume paper, some stamps for resumes and thank you notes, a portfolio, a nice looking pen for the interviews. Since you have some time how about thank you notes with his initial on the front? I'm sure you could find a place online to order them.
Oooh, I love these kind of challenges! If you were to go with a "new job/job hunting" easter basket here are some things I would add (not sure what he does for a living so I'll give lots of ideas):
A computer-cleaning set
A Victorinox Swiss Army knife w/built in jump drive and/or a Victorinox Swisscard
A picture frame with a picture of you for his desk
A briefcase umbrella
Job hunting book
A subscription to a work related or money related mag
Everyone loves a Starbucks gift card!
Tumi retractable computer cord
Tumi Leather Portfolio
Banana Republic Cufflinks
A new wallet to hold all the money he's going to make!
This doesn't totally go with your theme, but you could also add some homemade choc. covered strawberries to make it look pretty. I like all of the work related suggestions!