I was going to post yesterday, but I couldn't decided who to pick. It was very stressful- thanks zeitgeist4.
I was gone for so long there are so many people I don't know. Carmenb51, I would like to know more about you.
What character are you most like-book, movie or tv?
What did you do for your 16th birthday?
What is the craziest thing you would do for $10 million (10 million is a lot right- I was going to pick 1 million and then I thought of the Austins powers movie)?
What was the best thing you have ever won?
I will probably blast you w/ more questions when I think of them.
I don’t want no part of your tight-ass country-club, you freak bitch!
I was going to post yesterday, but I couldn't decided who to pick. It was very stressful- thanks zeitgeist4. I was gone for so long there are so many people I don't know. Carmenb51, I would like to know more about you. What character are you most like-book, movie or tv?Carrie Bradshaw (Gotta love SJP) What did you do for your 16th birthday?Darn it I feel old, I can't remember!I know I had school that day. What is the craziest thing you would do for $10 million (10 million is a lot right- I was going to pick 1 million and then I thought of the Austins powers movie)?UMMM- A porno best thing you have ever won?Ok I have to think Of the best thing I've ever won........i NEVER win anything- for the record,n I think of them.
Yeah carmenb51! Just a few: What does the number 51 stand for in your name? It's actually "513" It's my hometown.........Cincinnati
I forget, but where do you live again? I currently live in bRIDGEPORT cONNECTICUT , but will be moving to New Haven soon.
How do you come up w/such great outfits? I honestly don't think I dress that well........I just try to make a zillion different outfits w/ what I have....and try to spice it up w/ cute accessories/ handbags.
How often do you go shopping, either on line or at the stores? (LOL) That's all from me.I work for a retailer and near many greats shops, so it'a at least 2x a week....most times it's just a couple of pieces here and there.
what's the best thing you've learned here on ST? I don't think there is one specific thing I've learned, but I can say compared to other forums and lucky included this is where it's at!
where do you plan to go for your next vacation?
Cincinnati.........to celebrate my b-day! That 's why I've not been on here this week too much, it's midnite here in CT and I've still not finished packing (my flight is at 7:30am) yipppppppeee
dot wrote: congrats!! what's the best thing you've learned here on ST? I don't think there is one specific thing I've learned, but I can say compared to other forums and lucky included this is where it's at! where do you plan to go for your next vacation? Cincinnati.........to celebrate my b-day! That 's why I've not been on here this week too much, it's midnite here in CT and I've still not finished packing (my flight is at 7:30am) yipppppppeee
Hey-I'm from Cincinnati too! What side of town are you from? Or should I say "what high school did you go to?"-the infamous Cincinnati question!