I'm having a really ugly day today. My skin is pale, sallow and somehow simultaneously breaking out for no reason yet covered with little dry patches.
And my hair is like four different colors right now, none of them good. I hate going grey early. I know it's a trivial thing to complain about, obviously, but it just makes me feel so icky. I have to dye my hair just to get it close to its natural color, and then as it fades, the grey strands fade out much more drastically to a kind of ugly brassy blond. I think I just have to be better and hit the roots every month instead of every two or so.
I'm having a hard time w/ my skin right now too. The weather is causing the skin on my legs and stomach to dry out so much that I'm scrathing constantly. My forehead is compensating by producing mass amounts of oil.
Joe calls my cell at 6:36a, I had just missed his call, he was asking me if I had closed the front door all the way, I told him 'yes', and that ADT said there was alarm going off at our house, the front door, so I turn back around, doing about 70-80 to get back home as quickly as possible, AS IF I was going to go up in there if a burglar was in there! I sit in the driveway, in my car, told Joe I was home, and he said that a Travis County Sherrif would be out there shortly, so cool. He gets there shortly after I do, I get out of my car, and he asks is this your house? Naw, I'm here finna rob it, yes, it's my house, and he goes to check out the premises, said everything looked secure, then here comes Joe, and he goes in to check out things, everything's fine, Smokey's all scared. Seems like the sensors on the front door are 'off', and set off the alarm, but Joe said he'll work on it when we get home this evening, so COOL! Then there's an accident on the way in, and TRAFFIC is backed up, so I called my boss, told him I'd be late. And, we had to do a conference room set-up that wasn't on the schedule, for our Exec. Staff on the 7th floor, even tho' they DID NOT submit the proper paper work! Thankfully, we got it done in time, and it all worked out. MAN!
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
sounds like everyone is having a case of the mondays.
i'm not feeling that great today either. mine is just that my face and every part of me is bloated from drinking beer for 8 hrs. yesterday and watching basketball. at least some of my teams won. i have a race to run that i am not ready for so i should be sleeping or running right now since i worked this weekend...but instead i'm lounging.
here's looking at a nine-ten minute mile just to say i finished it and so that i can get my free michelob ultra lite at the finish line (the real motivation for running this race).
-- Edited by shopgirl82 at 13:17, 2006-03-20
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
I'm sorry you are having a bad day. I have ugly days all the time.
I'm starting to go grey, too. The sick thing is, I work with this evil woman who has stringy grey hair. One day I saw a picture of her from the late eighties. Her hair was exactly like mine now. Same texture, same color. So every day I get to see my future. And I just turned 30 and I'm trying not to let it freak me out, but then I start dwelling on that hair.
Anyway, now I have my hair colored/highlighted on a regular basis. I ain't going out like that!
I'll commiserate with you. I was pretty shaken when I noticed I had grey strands a month or so ago. And I feel like my parents just started to go grey! Well, I guess I'll be going to a hair salon a lot more frequently from now on.
I looked horrible today too - and I had to be with people from 10:30 this morning to when I just got home - 11:30 at night and I left my student government meeting early. =/
And I have a midterm and a quiz tomorrow at 8 am and I'm NOT prepared.