Sirius hands down. DH has XM and I listen to Sirius at work through my computer. The only reason DH has XM is because he wants to be able to listen to games/Nascar, that sort of thing. However, he is contemplating getting Sirius simply because the music selection is so much wider and more versatile than XM. So if you want sports do XM, but for music, I'd definitely get Sirius. HTH!
it really depends on what YOU want to listen to. personally, I'd rather listen to Oprah than Martha Stewart (I hate her new show - so cheesy) and Howard Stern, but that's me...
I voted Sirius. I got the BF Sirius for Christmas and we love it. I really don't know much about XM, but like the other girls, it all depends what you want. Check out both and decide what's right for you.
Oh, and if your Best Buy is anything like mine -they don't know crap!
Oh, and if your Best Buy is anything like mine -they don't know crap!
actually, i really like our Best Buy. They know a lot and i have bought a lot from them!
I'm going to go there this weekend and check out what receivers they have and see if i have TOM TOM and Sirius if it would be too much stuff going on in my little car!
i'll keep you posted on what i choose. i am almost sure that i think i want sirius over XM...
I can't really vote since I have never used Sirius, but I have XM. My car is equipped for sattelite, but I refuse to pay the $400 plus for a damn chip and installation, so I just got the plug in gadget. There is only about 4 chanells I ever listen to. Seems like it's always playing the same damn songs, so I end up switching to the fm radio or a cd. Also the cost includes having it on your computer.
I vote for Sirius. I have Sirius currently but have listened to XM alot in the past. I prefer Sirius becasue there is a lot more variety and is more versitle. With Sirius' new headset unit, you can carry it like a walkman and not have to carry a massive boom box.
I don't have either ,but I would say go with Sirius.My ex bf works at Best Buy and I rember him talking with my friend and telling him Sirius was way better then XM:But I don't rember the reasons why.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
oh- i want this so bad but i just can't justify the expense-- one day though. Is it easy to uninstall and put in another car?
apparently so. they have a video of Martha Stewart installing one on her show and the clip is about 3 minutes long- plus she shows it on a mini cooper (which is what i have) - so i am golden if i follow Martha's advice