Has anyone here ever kenneled their dog when they were out of town? I have to drop Cheese off today for the weekend and I'm having a really hard time with it. Usually my parents watch him but they can't this time because of house construction. I checked the place out adn ahd a tour and it's realy friendly and clean and he gets play times and cuddle times and ice cream treats ( frozen kong with peanut butter) but I just can't get over the fact that he'll be in a kennel so much. I'm afriad it will damage his psyche. God I'm nuts, I'm way to attached to this beast. I just can't stop crying over this, can anyone tell me it's going to be ok? That he'll be fine when we pick him up 4 days from now?
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
My dogs seem to really love their kennel. We've taken them to one about 4 times in the last 2 years, and each time we bring them there they go nuts trying to get in. I think they enjoy barking at the other dogs all day. The owners really love dogs and are so sweet to them. I was worried the first time we took our older dog too, but everything turned out great. It'll be an adventure for Cheese! Also remember that 4 days to a dog is different than 4 days to us. It'll fly by for him! I usually have my doggies groomed the day I pick them up, because some kennels are a little on the stinky side (understandably). Try not to worry. He'll be fine!!!
Your dog will be fine! I had the same problem come up last November. The entire family was heading to TN for a wedding. There was no one staying back that could keep him so we sent him to the "Pet Hotel". I ordered him a Suite which was a little larger space and came with a bed and a T.V. We took his bed to the kennel though, we thought it'd make him feel more secure. And we took several of his toys and chew bones. We had several recommend the place and we took a tour. It had a completely fenced in back yard. If my dog sees an open door - he's gone. So I explained that to the ladies working so that they'd be extra careful. We were gone for about 3 days and I called there about 3 times a day to check on him. He was happy to see us and ready to go when we got back, but it appeared that they had taken great care of him.
I hate kenneling my dogs, too! But Cheese will be great. As long as you picked a good, clean, safe facility, he will probably be thrilled. I try not to board my dogs, b/c they were shelter dogs and they can get really freaked out by cages/built-in kennels. But I usually worry for nothing, because the girls at the Petshotel say the dogs are usually happy and have fun. Don't worry!
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
I board Mitch when we go on vacation. He actually loves the facility he stays at and the people who work there. It actually bums me out because when I drop him off he takes off with them and doesn't even look back. He's like "see ya later, lady, i'm gonna go play."
You may have probably already dropped him off, but one thing to keep in mind is too act happy while your there. Make sure Cheese thinks that you think it is the greatest place on earth. If you are upset about dropping him off, he'll pick up on that and might get upset too.
I board my Valley (Val) but I hate it. My mom used to watch her but now Val is too much for her. She's about 100 lbs., a black lab/chow mix.
Valley is viscious while she is there. They hang a "Dog Bites" sign up. Then they call me if something is a miss. Me? I call daily to check on her and she is usually ok, just snapping and really loud.
On the other hand, she is always happy when we pick her up!
I haven't had to kennel mine yet. I either take her with us or my parents keep her while I'm away. My MIL kennels hers when they go on trips and she is happy there and usually comes back a few pounds heavier. I think the main thing is to check the place out first and make sure it's a good, clean place that will take care of your dog. I recently found a great groomer that also boards and that's where I would take mine if I needed to. They are open 6 days a week and it's very obvious the lady loves animals. My dog doesn't mind going there, it's never been stinky, and they have a couple of cats that live there that my dog likes to play with. I would be one of those calling every day too though lol.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."