I'm hesitant to post this but hey, why not, right?
Sprint is doing this promotion (it's supposedly a charity thing). It's in 19 cities. Each city has 14 days for the promotion. The Sprint reps give away 150 free phones in each city. They're in Austin now. I went and got one today. Yeah! Free phone! Here's where you guys come in...
The promotion/contest part of the deal is this: A phone chain! The biggest phone chain in the promotion gets prizes - each member of the chain gets a free sprint phone (it's a cool Samsung one with an mp3 player/camcorder/camera/etc. in it), a $150 Sprint giftcard, a free music download to your personal computer, and a vote in the charity thing. The charity that wins gets $25,000 from Sprint. Each city gets the $25,000 for their winning charity.
What you have to do to become part of my phone chain (I already have the free phone so this is for anyone else who wants to join to have a chance), is to pm me your email address and I'll send you an email from Sprint where you register. You don't get bugged or anything. You just get the one email and it allows to register into the phone chain. Frankly I think it's a good thing. Worst case scenario you get a free music download and a vote to donate $25k to charity, right? The largest phone chain currently is 5,000. I think we can certainly beat that. You can pm me your email address and anyone else's who you think would register and join.
So there it is - a potential free phone for you! Even if you don't use Sprint, you could still ebay that sucker, it's a pricey phone normally, or I guess you could use it for camera or mp3 purposes, if you really wanted.
Ah! I was wrong! The largest phone chain is currently 571! What an idiot I am! Yes. This means we seriously have a chance of winning. Send me those pms! (I'm all psyched now!)