Thanks Zeitgueist4! I feel so special that someone cares!
How old are you? 24 years old
What do you do for a living, or if in school, what are you studying? I am currently a senior in college. I am majoring in business management and marketing. I tried to stretch out school as long as I could. I love college, I love living at home and I am in no hurry to become an adult. Hmm... maybe I should triple major.
If you had to pack up and move to a foreign country for a year, which one would you want to live in ? France... probably.
What was the last concert you went to? Neil Diamond
What is your favorite kind of clothing/accessory? (bags, shoes, pants, tops, jackets, etc) Athletic shoes- can one really have too many Pumas?
If you were on death row about to be executed, what would your last meal be? Broccoli lasagna, canolis and a big glass of skim milk.
Do you wear jewelry on a daily basis? What is your favorite piece? Not a big jewelry girl, but I do have pair of diamond studs that were given to me by my great gran. I wear those most days.
Any siblings? Are you close? 2 older brothers. I am really close w/ one of my brothers. I wanted to be just like him when I was younger. I was the only 5th grader listening to Nirvana because of him. I get along w/ my oldest brother, but he is a lot older than me, so I didn't see him as much.
In high school, what group you were a part of? (nerd, jock, metal head, hippy, popular group, etc) I was a combination between a nerd and a jock. I played all kinds of sports, but was also editor of the yearbook, on the newspaper staff and debate. I was pretty comfy w/ any group.
Favorite magazine? Health
Favorite thing to cook or bake? Hmm... not great in the kitchen, but I love to make guacamole.I never get tired of taking the avocado guts out of the skin.
Favorite things to do on a rainy or snowy day?Play in it. I love being outdoors and snow is my favorite.
favorite movie? Grey Gardens
favorite book? I don't think I could pick just one. In Cold Blood, A Tale of Two Cities, American Psycho and To Kill a Mockingbird ( My dad says I remind him of Scout)
fav. foods? Cheese
Hobbies? Reading, sewing, running and anything outdoors. Snowboarding, skiing, snowshoeing, playing w/ my dogs, rock climbing kayaking, etc. I am an outdoorsy girl.
fav place to travel and spend vac time? Lancaster, England- my gran's home town.
how did you come up with your avatar? I LOVE Jason Bateman.
Do you a husband/ boyfriend? if so how did you met and how long have you been together? I have been dating my boyfriend for almost 7 years. I went to an all girls school and he went to an all boys school that did activities together.
-- Edited by RyanJ at 21:51, 2006-03-13
I don’t want no part of your tight-ass country-club, you freak bitch!
where did you hear about grey gardens? I grew up watching. My grandparents had a VHS when I was younger and y brother and I found it (That kind of makes it sound like we found porn). My brother and I watched and our heads almost exploded.
should i watch it? I would definitely recommend it. It is kind of sad, but funny. Very bizzare. I guess a remake of the movie is being made w/ Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange. The orginal is a documentary and the idea of people acting in a remake doesn't work for me.
how was the neil diamond concert? he's awesome. Um freakin incredible. I think my boyfriend and I were the youngest people there. The tipsy older women kept grabbing my boyfriend and trying to dance w/ him. It was really funny.
do you like cartoons? Love, love, love cartoons. My latest obsession is the Backyardigans. I also like grown up cartoons like Simpson and Family Guy.
would you rather be skiing or swimming? Skiing. I am not a huge fan of swimming.
favorite kind of food? Probably Italian, but Mexican is right up there.
did you cry when they pulled arrested development? It hurts too much to talk about it...too soon.
-- Edited by RyanJ at 23:47, 2006-03-13
I don’t want no part of your tight-ass country-club, you freak bitch!
did you ever get a tatoo? (i was reading your old posts...based on your answers here, you sound pretty cool so i thought id try to get to know you a little better through reading old posts...)
i love my pumas too...any color recommendations on colors that one must have? i only have brown/cream but seriously where them almost every day.
why do ya read health magazine? cause its interesting or cause you want to do something with health in your life?
you said reading is one of your hobbies...what type of book do you read? fave authors?
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
If you keep asking question you are going to find out how boring I am
did you ever get a tattoo? (i was reading your old posts...based on your answers here, you sound pretty cool so i thought id try to get to know you a little better through reading old posts...)No, I am not really sure where that came from. I kind of freaked for a moment.
i love my pumas too...any color recommendations on colors that one must have? i only have brown/cream but seriously where them almost every day. Hmm.. so many to choose from. I like my black and pink speedcats and Brown speedcats. I have so many colors though. I have few pink pairs that I wear a lot too.
why do ya read health magazine? cause its interesting or cause you want to do something with health in your life? I find it interesting. I am big into health and exercise. I get all the health type magazines- Shape, Runner's World, , Fitness, and Natural Health. I know I am leaving a few out, but I can't remember them now.
you said reading is one of your hobbies...what type of book do you read? fave authors? I don't really have one type that I read. My tastes in books are pretty varied. I love to read books about/by musicians- GG Allin, Sex Pistols, etc. I like non-fiction, fiction, political, history- I like everything. Okay, no romance novels, so almost anything. My favorite authors would probably be Bret Easton Ellis, Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams. I am really not picky. Give me a book and I will probably read no matter how crappy it is.
I don’t want no part of your tight-ass country-club, you freak bitch!
what type of book do you read? fave authors? I don't really have one type that I read. My tastes in books are pretty varied. I love to read books about/by musicians- GG Allin, Sex Pistols, etc. I like non-fiction, fiction, political, history- I like everything. Okay, no romance novels, so almost anything. My favorite authors would probably be Bret Easton Ellis, Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams. I am really not picky. Give me a book and I will probably read no matter how crappy it is.
dude...have you seen the movie american psycho? or just read the book? i haven't read anything by bret easton ellis, but have been wanting to for a long time. isn't lunar park supposed to be all messed up or something? or am i confusing it with something?
im assuming you know this because you read the bio...but gg allins real first name was jesus christ allin.
would you be into "punk" music pistons, gg allin type stuff? sorta doesn't go with the neil diamond stuff.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
I have read the book and then watched the movie. I started reading his books high school. I had always liked the movie Less than Zero, so I decided to read the book.
Lunar Park is a Ellis novel and just like the rest of his books it is pretty crazy. The books have a lot of drugs, sex and murder in them, but it is in the book for a reason. They are definitely not for everyone. My mom had tried to read American Psycho a few times, but just hasn't gotten through it yet. I am going to give her one of his books that are a little tamer.
Isn't that insane about his name!!! Who names their kid Jesus Christ...seriously. I don't think he had a choice in whether or not he would grow up to be such a crazy. I think it was out of his control w/ a name like that.
I am into a many different types of music, but punk would probably be my favorite. My music is pretty assorted.
Are you a punk fan? Most people have no idea who GG Allin, much less his real name.
I don’t want no part of your tight-ass country-club, you freak bitch!
Are you a punk fan? Most people have no idea who GG Allin, much less his real name.
my sisters boyfriend is a punk freak, so even though i had to look him up (wikipedia informed me of his real name) i did recognize quite a few of the bands/projects he's been involved with. quite an interesting character. i can stand punk as long as it's not the highschooler trying to be punk type band (i.e. just a lot of screaming with no real music ability or lyrical ability behind the screaming), but it's not my fave.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Yay! You're back! (I used to have a different name ... here's your hint: GO PISTONS!!!)
I was pretty sure I'd figured out who you were w/ your new name, but now I know for sure. Hey!!!
1. When you go shopping at a department store, what section do you head toward first? I Electronics and then I hit the shoes.
2. Do you live by yourself, with roommates, family, etc.? What's your favorite thing about your house? I live w/ my mom and dad. My favorite thing about my house is having my own bathroom that is connected to my bedroom. I am super anal and I hate my things being moved.
3. If you could give advice to yourself at 13, what would you say? Practice applying eyeliner. I am horrible at it now. I envy those who can apply it.
I don’t want no part of your tight-ass country-club, you freak bitch!