My husband and I are cat sitting for my brother in law. The kitten isn't loud at night, he is just all over the bed purring and trying to play.
Do any of you have any suggestions - I am getting two kittens in 2 weeks, so I'd love to hear how you helped your kitties behave at night - should we get them their own little beds?
cats are just active creatures at night. you might want to look into a baby gate to section them off from you at night. We used it to keep the cat and dog in the kitchen when we would go somewhere all day and the cat never tried to climb over it. Closing doors won't help or it didn't in my cat's case because he would just get upset and scratch the door which wasn't a pretty sight.
Honestly, every kitten I've ever had (and that is a LOT) has been this way. You can try playing with them alot a little bit before bed to tire them out. Also, if you're going to have two, I'd put them in a room together at night with toys and a place to sleep and their food/water/box. They should keep each other company that way and not notice that you're not their and they're locked in (or out of) a room.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I have to shut my kitty out of my room at night... it makes me sad, but otherwise she walks all over the bed, jumps on my head, chews on my hair, etc...
I feel your pain. I think there is no hope with the one you are cat sitting- personally I'd let that one do whatever it wants because changing their routine is pretty traumatic for them (mine at least) so the fact that it's owners aren't around is enough to make it nervous.
But as for your new ones, I'd say you might could train them to sleep in another room. I agree that shutting doors doesn't work for us- as a matter of fact it makes it worse. But if you make them a bed or get them a house (we have one of those carpeted scratching posts with a house at the bottom) they might take to that. When I had a couple kitties they would snuggle up in there together. When we gave away all but one now my one comes in the bed under the covers. And I'm having issues with her about it. My experience is that it's hard to break them once they get in that routine! They are nocturnal animals so it's not unusual for them to sleep all day (reportedly 20 hrs a day!) and stay awake for hours at night. Even my good sweet older cat hunts at night - mostly socks, balls or yarn, and my fuzzy slippers.
I can't wait to see pixs. What are you going to name them?
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Thanks for all your advice. I won't do anything to this kitty...he just really likes people. So, I woke up at 6:30 this morning to let DH sleep in and I sat on the couch with the kitty until he fell asleep :)As for the two new ones (they are posted above), I think we will get them a nice little kitty house and keep them out of the bedroom for a while...
They are tentatively dylan and maya, but whether those names will work when we meet them...
OMG girl! Those are the cutest kitties evah. So adorable. Oh those eyes. See, that's what's wrong with me though - I'd have to let them do whatever they want!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
OMG! They are tu-tu cute!!! I just wanna cuddle them - but somewhere long the line I've become so allregic to kitties. I love how they look alike but theire faces are shaded differently!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH there are the KITTENS again!! I still have the little puffy-headed boy kitten plastered all over my desktop at my work computer.
Thanks all! So we gave back the baby to my brother in law tonight, and now it's only a week and a half until I get to get the other babies. I will post lots as soon as I get them ;)
And the little baby we were taking care of woke me up this morning by licking my face ;)