so, a certain little someone i know has been pining to move to a different city for a few years now already. she has a comfortable job and life in the city where she currently lives, and would be very sad to leave it behind. but still, she craves the adventure of moving to this other place and has a network of friends there who are excited to have her nearby.
she has now had a job offer for a job that is okay, but not perfect (the money is slightly low, but still liveable). the people and company are nice. but she is hesitating on pulling the trigger.
Is the salary offer final, or could you maybe negotiate a bit more? Or get your moving expenses covered? Is there room for realistic growth at this new job?
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Them only thing that bothers me about them being unwilling to come up to where you want to be salary-wise, is that it could be a sign that they don't have the funds to give to those who deserve it and therefore could prevent you from getting a raise that would bring you up to where you want to be, ever or anytime soon.
I'm sure you've already considered that, and so as long as you don't foresee it being an issue in the future .....
Do it. You're young and successful. I've moved quite a bit in recent years, and a job and friends are the most important things to have in your new place. It's very exhilarating to begin again in a new place, and also quite liberating.
Good luck .
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
You won't regret it. And take the job. Even if the money's lower than what you'd like, it's still liveable. And it gives you the opportunity to go out there with a job lined up instead of moving and having to spend a few months unemployed and job hunting. If you can't get a raise, you can start looking elsewhere and get an idea of what industries are in the area.
Go go go! Life is an adventure. How far of a move is it? I want to move there one day- for some reason, I know so many people that want to move there, but always feel like its a little bit out of their reach. Like life gets in their way of moving to San Francisco. There must be something about that city