know an i-banker? i'm trying to apply for a scholarship and need to explain why i'm interested in i-banking. of course i know nothing about i-banking except it involves long hours.
yea, one of my pretty good college friends works at UBS midtown. I actually haven't seen him since he moved up there in July! He works about 140 hour weeks. PM me if you want me to call him and ask specific q's- I need to catch up with him regardless.
My best friend was in NYC too. She worked like a dog but made mad money. She's now in b-school and will probably go back to if after she graduates because she's working for another firm this summer doing i-banking.
I really don't know what it entails either. But I could ask her any questions so fire away :)
my husband is. let me know if you want me to ask him any specific questions.
"to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop trying." - ee cummings