I'm seriously at the end of my rope. As you may remember I have a kitten that is a little slow - she was the runt, had to be bottle fed, etc etc. She is now almost 11 months old. She's a really lovey cat & she wants me & only me which I think is cool, but she is SO UP MY BUTT I'm about to scream. I am working from home & can't give her attention 24 hours a day, although I do spend a lot of time with her. She constantly comes & jumps on my lap which is fine when I'm not working or even if I have room for her & can still type on my computer. She also comes to lay by me / get under the covers ALL NIGHT - I'm a light sleeper so any time she comes around & she is whining I hear her, it wakes me up. Then she'll sit or lay with me for a few minutes, run off, then the cycle starts again. If she'd just stay put it would be fine but I swear it's about to drive me nuts! And just now I was ignoring her because I was on the phone with work so she knocks my water over all over my calendar & my new expensive knitting book
I did just go on vacation so I feel like she's super needy, but this is pretty typical behavior for her. I feel like I need to set some boundaries but I really don't know how. Maybe I'm just PMSing & am being super sensitive / over reacting? Although the sleep thing is really becoming a problem for me.
Any suggestions? or can someone at least commiserate? Sorry, I know this is such a minor issue....
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
One of our cats, Daisy, will not leave my husband alone when he is at the computer. She is constantly jumping on his lap, onto the desk, clawing at his jeans, etc. Plus, she has a meow that sounds like a scold, so when DH will say "Daisy, not now" she'll say 'meow' like a pouty "no!"
She's so needy -- so I/we feel you pain.
"I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch." - G. Radner
yeah, our cat is an attention hog too (see my previous post about the poopies on the floor) but as annoying as it can be sometimes, I thnk it's better than having an indifferent, mean cat...