Oh I'm so sorry. I was pissed yesterday when I was parked in my car and a suv pulls up next to me and this man opens the door and bangs my car leaving a nick and white paint. Looks at it and me and then proceeds to walk away. Talk about mad. Luckily the white will come off and the ding is small but still. He wouldn't have liked it if I did that to his car.
Will your scrape wipe off or is it deep in the paint job?
It all comes down to the Golden Rule, but when money is involved the Golden Rule usually goes out the window.
My car was hit by a turquoise car a couple of weeks ago and we figure it's going to cost anywhere from $500 - $1000 to fix. I haven't bothered to take it in yet because I am so pissed to part with the money under these circumstances.
I'm sorry it happened to you too, and especially sorry it happened to your brand new baby!
I am so sorry! I just bought a new car on Sunday afternoon and would be FURIOUS if anyone scratched it. I know it's going to happen eventually because they just re-marked the spaces in the parking lot where I work to make them EVEN SMALLER so they can fit more cars on the lot. UGH!
I scratched my car against a post in a parkade 2 weeks after I bought it. I was so upset but I had no one to blame but myself. It was stupid and I wasn't used to the new dimensions on my car yet. I know how you feel.
Take it to the dealership and have them buff it out. I had a scratch accident from a damn nail on the front bumper of my car within two weeks of buying it! I was so upset and took it to the dealership. It needed a some buffing and a little paint touch up. So the guy who paints and buffs their cars only charged me about $30 or so.