ok. so lately there have been a lot of males posting on st and i was wondering how you ladies feel about it. quite honestly, it makes me a little uncomfortable. i realize this is a public forum and men, women, transgender, everyone can look, but i still feel weird about it. sometimes the things we post are sensitive and personal and intended for a female audience. im wondering if im the only one that feels weird about this.
also, if any of our men are reading, im wondering how you found this site and what are your motivations/intentions of joining.
Nope, you're not the only one. It makes me uncomfortable too. Especially since I post pics on here. The men that have posted on here before, I don't feel really added to what we are as an online community. And when I see a boy post, I too wander what his intentions are.
I don't want to sound mean.. But I wish they would go away.. LOL
Although, I'd like to not discriminate.. This forum was created by women, for women ultimately. I can't think of a single comment (made by a man) that actually helped someone or contributed in a postive way either..
I really don't like it either. At all. If they just want to talk, I'm not as bothered, although really, get your own friends dude... They would find it intrusive if I walked up and sat on the couch with them and started drinking a beer and trying to talk about the game, right?
And the relationship postings where they try to get us on their side are just really creepy to me. If your communication skills are so poorand your self-confidence so low that you need to find a bunch of strangers to back up your "side," then seriously, you have problems that are bigger than this board can handle...
Nope, you're not the only one. It makes me uncomfortable too. Especially since I post pics on here. The men that have posted on here before, I don't feel really added to what we are as an online community. And when I see a boy post, I too wander what his intentions are.
Yeah, I find it a little creepy too to know that someone out there may be looking at our pictures and stuff. But I guess that's the nature of the internet, and unfortunately, I don't think we can stop it.
I personally would like the community to be as unkown and small as possible. I look at the internet as one big opportunity for the psychos of the world to lurk around and stalk people. If someone wanted to stalk someone on this site, it could be easily done. People give out information on where they live, work (even how far home is from work; if someone wanted to figure something out based on tidbits, it could be easily put together with all the tidbits readily available), and even how they look (I'm guilty). Because everything is archived a stalker could search through the forums archives for all sorts of information.
I know this is extreme. I know. I was stalked before and I am permanently damaged in ways from that. So, no I don't want any boys, men, or too many new members for that matter, on this forum.
Yes, it makes me uncomfortable too, ever since that HighHeels dude came.
I was just thinking the same thing. I don't like them being on here either. I just noticed about 10 mins ago a new poster at the bottom lurking in shopping & fashion. I won't name any names, but it was a male name. That makes me uncomfortable - why is a guy on here lurking in shopping and fashion. And I agree w/FP - it makes me really uncomfortable since I post outfit pics on here.
i agree. i do have some male friends that i would definitely seek fashion advice from, but the men who have been on here i feel don't contribute anything, if anything, they unsettle everyone.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
It also makes me uncomfortable. This is a fashion related women's forum and I don't understand why a typical male would be interested in posting. Like many of you, I refuse to believe that there are good intentions. I guess I have a hard time understand why any male would want to post on here. Yes, it is an amazing forum, but there aren't really any 'guy topics'. We all have asked our SO for advice for another section (whether dating and relationships or technology) but, I would never ask my SO to post his answer on here because that would make him very uncomfortable as it well should.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
alb wrote: How do you know who's lurking in a particular section?
If you're on the "stylethread forum" main page, at the bottom there is a section that keeps an updated list of everyone who is on and where each individual is reading/posting. Just hold the cursor over a screen name at the bottom, and it will show where they are.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
Karina wrote: Yes, it makes me uncomfortable too, ever since that HighHeels dude came.
You know, I missed the whole "HighHeels" guy thing. I mean I remember when that user was on ST, but I never knew about the shoe fetish thing. I actually responded to one of his posts (I didn't know it was a fetish thing) with a pic of me in my shoes. Now that I know it's a "he" and a sicko, I feel kind of violated. Like, EWWW, what was he doing while looking at the picture of my feet?
So NO, I do NOT feel comfortable with men posting on this site.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
I actually feel bad about the "lurking" feature now because sometimes I forget the time and run out of my room with stylethread still up, so I hope nobody thinks I'm in one section for hours on end!
Also, I know guys who always ask girls for advice on style or relationships, but it's typically one or a few girls that they really trust. I think it's kind of weird for a strange guy that's built no trustworthy relationships on this forum to suddenly ask for advice from strange women - I'm with Dizzy in thinking that's for validation purposes, and I'm totally against that. It's kind of like me going on a video game forum and asking the guys there to validate my feelings about something a guy did wrong. It might give me honest answers, but I'd definitely go to some of my guy friends instead of asking a forum of strange men.
I do feel a little creepy about men on here, in general, and while I think most of them probably have good intentions (just cuz I like to think most people do in general), I'd personally rather not have them at all.
yeah - one guy suggested he was one here to support his SO and i thought that was pretty strange.
in general i would think it would be strange for a guy to post on a forum about beauty and fashion - in fact i think he'd be turned off by the pink layout ...
i actually think that some of these "guys" on here are just trolls a la the old days of lucky (haven't been over there in years so not sure if it's still like that)
Wow, i too had no idea we had guys lurking or posting on here. Well at first I thought "who cares...let's welcome everyone". But with a little further thought, I realize that we probably don't want the kind of guy who would lurk on a site like this around.
If it were some struggling designer wanting women's opinions on things or something like that...I would have no problem with it at all. Or if a guy is asking advice to get his significant other something. Or if a guy is obsessed with a designer or is excited about the new fall line (I guess I am hinting at a gay guy) I would be cool with it.
But, the mention of a "shoe-fetish" guy troubles me a little. It could get really creepy. But, I trust the moderators of the forum to kick off anyone that gets creepy or isn't here for the right reasons.
I don't mind if a guy posts as long as it fits in with the purpose of Stylethread. If there is some super-stylish guy that wants to post about clothes (guy clothes) and see what girls think and offer a male perspective on things, I wouldn't be disturbed. However, it seems like everytime a guy posts here, it is kind of shady and creepy. I look at it on a case-by-case basis.
I don't mind if a guy posts as long as it fits in with the purpose of Stylethread. If there is some super-stylish guy that wants to post about clothes (guy clothes) and see what girls think and offer a male perspective on things, I wouldn't be disturbed. However, it seems like everytime a guy posts here, it is kind of shady and creepy. I look at it on a case-by-case basis.
I agree with this. I think it would be totally fab if we had a resident male poster of sorts - a regular poster who wasn't creepy to give his opinions on stuff (from fashion to relationships). I don't think anyone of our male posters have fallen into that category thus far, however and would prefer that they just go away. Many of the ones we've had up until this point haven't come with the purpose of contributing, but with the purpose of receiving advice or lurking. That makes we feel weirde .
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}